Tools & Settings 58• List Red• List BlueDefining the Text Entry OptionsThe Text entry options menu allows you to specifymore automated features during the text entryprocess. These options can help streamline the textentry process by correcting for capitalization,spelling, spacing, and completing the mostcommonly entered words for you.1. From the Main screen, press Menu (Left OptionButton) ➔ Tools & Settings ➔ Display ➔ Textentry and press .To specify text options:2. With the Text Entry mode selected, use yournavigation key to scroll down the list andactivate the desired text entry options:• Auto-capital turns capitalization on or off for the nextcharacter after a punctuation mark followed by aspace.• Auto-space turns the insert a space automaticallyfeature on or off after selecting a word from thecandidate list.• Dual language selects and displays a wordcandidate in English only (None) or in English andSpanish (Spanish).• My words stores a list of user-defined words,phrases, or numbers for quick access when you usetext mode.• Used word dic. stores frequently used words andpredicts word use the next time you use the word intext mode.• Show candidate displays predicted words, one at atime or a list of words.• Prediction start allows you to configure the phone todisplay possible word candidates after a presetnumber of characters are entered. You can choosethe feature to begin after the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th letters.• Help describes how to use T9 text entry, how toswitch between upper and lower case in ABC mode,how to use the Multitap (text) feature, and how tochange the input method.Bluetooth SettingsFor information on how to set up your Bluetoothfeatures, see “Using Bluetooth” on page 51.Phone SettingsUsing the Phone Settings option you can customizeseveral of your phone’s settings, including selecting alanguage, setting your phone for Airplane mode,setting the Location, and Teletypewriter (TTY) mode.1. Menu (Left Option Button) ➔ Tools & Settings➔ Phone settings and press .2. Select one of the following options:• Nav. key shortcuts• Language• Airplane mode• Location• TTY mode• Key guard• Security