Donotforcethecamera'spartsorapplypressuretothecamera.q S rTlay Csuse your car'@eri_ to qqaTUNCI OFExercise caution when you connect cables or adaeters andinstall batteries and memory cards.f _ ou torte the ;onnec_ors "- properly connec_ c,a }es, xxqproper} ns_al baTteries aria memory ca_as, ! ou can aamageDO IS. corlrlectors aria aocessor@8Keep cards with magnetic strips away from the camera case.qformat c q storea on the car_ may De aamagea or erasecNever use a damaged charger, battery, or memory card.Th s ma_ result n e ec_rc snook or camera nalfJnct on ccause a tire.Check that the camera is operating properly before use.The manJfacturer ta es no responsibil ty for an_ _ss of files oroarT age _nat may result from cart era malfunctior or imrbror_euse,You must plug the small end of the USB cable into your camera.f the cable is reversec _qayaamage your t es,The manJfac_urer 8 no%"esDons o e Torar oss ot dataAvoid interference with other electronic devices.our camera3emts radio trequency (RF) s gnals that may nterfereA/ITN U srqleaeo or if'r" }ro[ber }/ 3rl elaec_ eeotroRic eQu Dmesuc rl as pacemakers, nearing alas, meo cal aevlces, al s}tner electrorq 3 Qevioes irl hor'aes or veh c es, OonsL I It1@r'nanutact Jrers of )ur e ectron c aevlces TOsolve _ny ir/te£efenceproblems you expenence, To Dreverit urlwanted r terference, userl y 8arJ" _urqg approvea oev ce8 or aocessor esUse your camera in the normal position.OIO corllacI WIIN your car-rqerlc4 S iRterrqa arlteNna• Data transferrec Jia WLAN co_ s _ D leaKeo, so avolatr_Nst@ [19 8eFISTIVe eats in DUD C areas or or1 order1 rletworKs• The carnef;_ ma utacturer is not is }le tot any aa_a Transfers tl a_nfrnge orl col 'rgn_s, traaemarKs, r%ellectua )roper[y aw8, }F}uollc aecency orolnances4