Copyright information• Microsoft Windows and the Windows logo areregistered trademarks ot the Microsoft Corporation.• Mac is a registered trademark of the Apple Corporation,• microSD TM microSDHO TM, and microSDXO TM areregistered trademarks ot the SD Association.• Wi Fi®, the Wi Fi CERTIFIED logo, and the Wi Fi logo areregistered trademarks ot the Wi Fi Alliance.• Trademarks and trade names used in this manual arethe property of their respective owners.• Camera specifications or contents ot this manual maybe changed without pnor notice due to upgrade ofcamera functions,• We recomrnend using your camera within the countrywhere you purehased.• You are not allowed to reuse or distribute any part ofthis manual without prior permission,• For Open Souree License ir/tormation, refer to the'OpenSourcelnfo,pdf' in the provided CD ROM,......tllne ot the bseL" iv[ant,_earn aooul your cameras ayoui, cons ana )aslcTunctlon8for shoot rig._earn now to caDtiJr9a DROIOana recora a vlaeo Dy3e eoIIng a if/oae_earn now to se_the o tlons in Shoot ng noae_earn now Toplay 'sac - DnoTos C"' 'aeos. ana ea'TDROIOS orvlaeos _sc earn now to connect yoJr3art 9r8 to your compuTeK DnOIO DrlnteB c ]- •DV@00F/DVS059 on_eal- to connect to w rgiess local area ResNorK8_ANs/and use func_ons13376O83107Referto c x_ons Io confgc e your cameras settingsGeT tormation ab }ut error messages, speeflcationsana ma ntenance128134