1–1Chapter 1 IntroductionThis chapter describes the various functions of the SMG-3000 telephone system.SMG-3000 System FunctionsThe SMG-3000 system is a small-scale version of the DCS Gateway System. It combines voice and data(ISDN) communications, creating a new type of telephone exchange system. It also offers the Voice overInternet (VoIP) protocol using the Internet Telephone (ITM) interface. Both the system hardware and soft-ware operate on a modular design so that the system can be easily expanded and new modules added.The SMG-3000 system provides an integrated system offering various services when connected to otherequipment such as Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) and voice mail systems (VMS). As networks digital-ise and increase in speed, the ability of the SMG-3000 system to provide excellent digital data transmissionis highlighted.System FeaturesThe SMG-3000 system offers:• The latest VoIP technology.• The latest microprocessor technology.• Improved VLSI circuit technology.• Custom IC design technology.• System diagnostics program.Cost-effective Design FeaturesThe SMG-3000 system is designed to be cost-effective by:• using optimum card component density at the most competitive price;• minimising power consumption using CMOS technology components;• installing components more effectively on the control card;• expanding system functions more conveniently and cheaply;• providing flexible control functions for long-distance calls and cost management functions such as con-trol function by class of service (COS);• providing the Call Detail Recording function which analyses system usage and call costs.Flexible ModulesThe SMG-3000 system operates on a modular basis so that you can easily add new hardware, such as cards,or software. There are a number of user (subscriber) slots into which you can insert cards such as a data card,subscriber cards and trunk card.The system supports four types of trunk card that allow easy expansion of the system circuit capacity.• GLOOP2 TRK: 16-port loop-start trunk card• G4W E&M: 6-port 4-wire E&M circuit• PRI4: ISDN primary rate interface (30 ports)• BRI: 8-port basic rate interface