104Helio AlbumHelio Album allows you to upload photos from My Pics by sending pictures messagesusing UP (87 on the keypad) to your Helio Album.Photo StudioPhoto Studio lets you alter your photos for special purposes (such as for photo IDs withinthe Contacts List) and lets you apply a number of photographic corrections and effects toyour photos.1. In standby mode, momentarily press the Camera key ( ) on the right side of thedevice. The SNAP menu appears in the display.2. Use the Up and Down navigation keys to highlight the Photo Studio option, thenpress the key. The following options appear in the display:• Filters — Lets you select a photo and change the photo’s contrast and color balance byapplying a selected filter.• Effects — Lets you select a photo and change the photo’s color balance by applying aselected color effect.• Apply Stickers — Lets you apply preloaded stickers to a photo.• Create Stickers — Lets you create your own stickers by using “cookie cutter” shapes.• Movie Frame Grab — Lets you capture and save a single frame from a video.• Fade Between — Lets you combine two selected photos.• Adjust — Lets you individually adjust the contrast, brightness, hue, and blur characteristicsof a selected photo.• Resize — Lets you change the size of a selected photo to 800 x 600, 640 x 480, 320 x 240,or 176 x 144.• Rotate+Flip — Lets you rotate (clockwise or counter-clockwise) and/or flip (top-to-bottom orside-to-side) a selected photo.• Overlay — Lets you overlay one selected photo onto another.3. Use the Up and Down navigation keys to highlight the desired option. Press thekey to perform the function for the option or enter its sub menu.SettingsThe Settings options let you select parameter values that affect future camera and videocamera sessions, until you again change the parameter values.1. In standby mode, momentarily press the Camera key ( ) on the right side of thedevice. The SNAP menu appears in the display.2. Use the Up and Down navigation keys to highlight the Settings option, then press thekey. The following options appear in the display:• Album Lock — Lets you allow open access to the Album and to the Helio Album or lets youpassword-restrict access to both the Album and the Helio Album.