8382Before a new model phone is available for sale tothe public, it must be tested and certified to the FCCthat it does not exceed the limit established by thegovernmentadopted requirement for safe exposure.The tests are performed in positions andlocations(e.g., at the ear and worn on the body) asrequired by the FCC for each model.The highest SAR values for this model phone asreported to the FCC are Head: 0.694 W/Kg(CDMA),1.04 (PCS), 0.896 W/Kg(AMPS), Body-worn: 0.664 W/Kg(CDMA),0.353 (PCS),0.815 W/Kg(AMPS).The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization forthis model phone with all reported SAR levelsevaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposureguidelines. SAR information on this model phone ison file with the FCC and can be found under theDisplay Grant section ofhttp://www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid after searching on FCCID A3LSPHA840.In the United States and Canada, the SAR limit formobile phones used by the public is 1.6watts/kilogram(W/kg) averaged over one gram oftissue.The standard incorporates a substantial margin ofsafety to give additional protection for the public andto account for any variations in measurements.Appendix B: Guide to Safe and ResponsibleWireless Phone UseCellular Telecommunications & Internet Association“Safety is the most important call you will evermake.”A Guide to Safe and Responsible Wireless PhoneUseTENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THE U.S. TODAYTAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE UNIQUE COMBINATIONOF CONVENIENCE, SAFETY AND VALUE DELIVEREDBY THE WIRELESS TELEPHONE. QUITE SIMPLY, THEWIRELESS PHONE GIVES PEOPLE THE POWERFULABILITY TO COMMUNICATE BY VOICE-ALMOSTANYWHERE, ANYTIME-WITH THE BOSS, WITH ACLIENT, WITH THE KIDS, WITH EMERGENCYPERSONNEL OR EVEN WITH THE POLICE. EACHYEAR, AMERICANS MAKE BILLIONS OF CALLSFROM THEIR WIRELESS PHONES, AND THENUMBERS ARE RAPIDLY GROWING.But an important responsibility accompanies thosebenefits, one that every wireless phone user mustuphold. When driving a car, driving is your firstresponsibility. A wireless phone can be an invaluabletool, but good judgment must be exercised at alltimes while driving a motor vehicle-whether on thephone or not.The basic lessons are ones we all learned asteenagers. Driving requires alertness, caution andcourtesy. It requires a heavy dose of basic commonsense-keep your head up, keep your eyes on theroad, check your mirrors frequently and watch out forother drivers. It requires obeying all traffic signs andsignals and staying within the speed limit. It meansusing seatbelts and requiring other passengers to dothe same.