42 Section 2A: Your Phone: The BasicsEntering Numbers, Symbols, Emoticons, PresetMessages and Recent MessagesTo enter numbers: Select the Number mode and press the appropriate key.(See “Selecting a Character Input Mode” on page 39.)To enter symbols: Select the Symbols mode. (See “Selecting a CharacterInput Mode” on page 39.) To enter a symbol, press theappropriate key indicated on the display.To enter emoticons: Select the Emoticons mode and press the appropriatekey. You may scroll through more options by pressingthe navigation key up or down. (See “Selecting aCharacter Input Mode” on page 39.)To enter preset messages:3. Select the Preset Msg mode. (See “Selecting a CharacterInput Mode” on page 39.)4. Scroll to the desired pre-programmed message andpress .To enter recent messages:1. Select the Recent Msg mode. (See “Selecting a CharacterInput Mode” on page 39.)2. Scroll to the desired message and press .Note: Preset messages make composing text messages even easierby allowing you to enter common messages, such as Meetme at, Lets get lunch, or a customized preset message of yourown. (For more information on Preset messages, please see“Managing Preset Messages” on page 58.)