Note: ONLY adapt Digit Dial if the system is frequently mis-recognizing yourspeech. You can always restore the system to its original factory setting.Section 2I: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services 103Adaptation involves recording several digit sequences to teach thesystem your voice. The adaptation process takes about 3 minutes.Tips for adapting Digit Dial: Adapt digits in a quiet place. Make sure you wait for the beep before starting to speak. Speak clearly, but say each digit sequence naturally. If you make a mistake while recording a sequence of digits, or ifthere is an unexpected noise that spoils the recording, you cansay or select No when the prompt asks, “Did the recording soundOK?” You will then be prompted to re-record the sequence.To adapt Digit Dial to your voice:1. Press .2. Highlight Settings and press .3. Press for Voice Service.4. Press for Adapt Digits. (The phone displays the firstdigit sequence.)5. When you are ready to start recording, press . (The phoneprompts you to say the first sequence of digits.)6. Wait for the beep, and then repeat the digits using a normaltone of voice. (The phone plays back your recording and asksyou if the recording sounds “OK.”) If the recording sounds OK (no mistakes and nobackground noises), say Yes. If you need to re-record the digits to fix any problems, sayNo. (The phone then prompts you to say the digits again.)7. Wait for the beep, and then record the digits again. (Repeat thisstep until you are satisfied with the recording.)8. After confirming that the recording sounds OK, repeat therecording process with the next set of digits. (After six sets ofdigits, the phone will ask you whether you want to do moreadaptation. Answer Yes.)