Section 2E: Navigating Through Menus 686: Voicemail1: Call Voicemail2: Details3: Clear Envelope7: Settings1: Notification1: Message and Icon2: Icon Only2: Sending Options1: Priority1: Normal2: Urgent2: Call Back #1: None2: Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)3: Other3: Preset Messages1: Can’t talk right now. Send me a message.2: Call me3: Where are you?4: Can you pick up5: Meet me at6: Let’s get lunch.7: The meeting has been cancelled.8: I’ll be there at9: What time does it start?10: I love you!11: [Empty]12: [Empty]13: [Empty]14: [Empty]15: [Empty]16: [Empty]17: [Empty]18: [Empty]19: [Empty]20: [Empty]4: Edit Signature1: On2: Off5: Message Alerts1: Ringer Volume2: Ringer Type1: Voicemail