Section 4B: Terms & Conditions / Warranty 167phone starts ringing until the call is terminated. You will be charged peak rates forthe entire duration of calls initiated during the peak time periods applicable to yourService. You will be charged off-peak rates for the entire duration of calls initiatedduring the off-peak time periods applicable to your Service. In addition to theseusage charges, you may be charged for recurring monthly service charges,applicable local and long-distance toll charges, other usage charges, (includingvoicemail access, call waiting, call forwarding, etc.), connection fees, roamingcharges, directory assistance, call completion charges, account review andmanagement charges, optional features you select at an extra cost, surchargesrelated to government programs, and taxes. Charges for most Services are incurredin one-minute increments, with partial minutes of use rounded up to the nexthighest minute. You must pay, by each invoice due date, all charges for Servicesprovided to the Number for each phone or other equipment that our records showyou activated, no matter who actually uses or has possession of the phone or otherequipment at the time Services are provided.PCS Vision (Third Generation) Wireless Charges. For PCS Vision wireless services,you will be charged, on a per kilobyte basis, for data used, whether sent or receivedby your PCS Phone or other wireless device, rather than for airtime used, even forcertain third generation voice services. As long as your PCS Phone or other wirelessdevice is connected to the enhanced Third Generation Sprint NationwidePCS Network (“PCS Vision network”), you will be incurring data usage charges. Youcannot receive incoming calls while using third generation services. Data usage willbe measured in kilobytes and will be rounded up to the next whole kilobyte.Kilobyte usage will be rounded up to the next full cent. Rounding up will occur atthe end of each separate session or each clock hour (at the top of each hour), if thesession spans more than 1 clock hour. When traveling on our PCS Vision network, asession may be ended and new session initiated, although no interruption to theactual data session will occur. The amount of data used and charged to you will varywidely, depending upon the specific PCS Vision wireless application or otherservice you use, the amount of data used in the specific application or service, andnetwork congestion. You will be charged for data exchanges initiated by otherInternet users as well as those you initiate. Estimates of data usage, for example, thesize of downloadable files, will vary from what you actually use. You will be chargedfor additional data used in transporting and routing on the network. If you use aPremium Service (including services provided by third parties but for which you arebilled on your PCS Invoice), you will be charged for data used in transport androuting in addition to the charge for the Premium Service. You will be charged forpartial and interrupted data downloads or other use, including re-sent data, and forunsuccessful attempts to reach websites and use other applications and services,including those resulting from dropped network connections. Your invoice will notseparately identify the number of kilobytes attributable to your use of specific sites,sessions or services used.PCS Vision Premium Services. Your PCS Vision wireless services may allow you toaccess or download premium content for an additional charge. Certain PCS Visionservices (e.g., games, ringers and screen savers) primarily contain premium servicescontent. Access to and downloading of premium content is not included with