221 23 4High humidity special fresh room(Chilled room)Rubber packingFreezing room shelf/refrigeratingroom (Re-enforced glass shelf)Low temperature catalyzingdeodorizerPlease wipe and clean the high humidity specialfresh room with water and neutral detergentafter pulling it out.• Clean the rubber packing with neutral deter-gent as the door can not be easily closed if itis polluted.• Wipe the gaps between grooves along thegroove with cloths that were cut into smallparts and wound around a woodstick.• Be careful not to damage it while cleaning.• In case of heavy smells in the freezing andrefrigerating rooms. Use the low temperaturecatalyzing deodorizer after disassembling ,dipping into clean water and drying itcompletely in the sunshine.When soaked with foods or stucked withresidues, please pull out the freezingroom/refrigerating room shelf and wipe it withclean cloths, while spraying the ethanol forsterilization all over its surface.OTHER WAYS OF CLEANINGCatalyzerCaution• Dry the refrigerator with the door openand the plug out when cleaning or not inuse for a long time.• Do not clean the refrigerator by sprin-kling water on it or by using benzene orthinner.• This refrigerator adopted the mobilewheel at its rear that freely rotate up to360° so that it can easily move whenev-er necessary and also it is convenientfor adjusting its position as well as forcleaning.