• Youcanshareupto1,000recentfiles.° OnanAIISharePlaydevice,youcanviewonlyphotosorvideoscapturedwithyourcamera.• TherangeofthewirelessconnectionbetweenyourcameraandanAIISharePlaydevicemayvarydependingonthespecificationsoftheAR• Ifthecameraisconnectedto2AIISharePlaydevices.playbackmaybeslower.Photosorvideoswillbesharedintheiroriginalsizes.YoucanusethisfeatureonlywithdevicesthatsupportAllSharePlay.SharedphotosorvideoswillnotbestoredontheAIISharePlaydevice,buttheycanbestoredinthecameratomeetthedevice'sspecifications.TransferringphotosorvideostotheAIISharePlaydevicemaytakesometimedependingonthenetworkconnection,thenumberoffilestobeshared,orthesizesofthefiles.Ifyoupoweroffthecameraabnormallywhileviewingphotos or videos on an AIIShare Play device/for example, by removing the battery), the device considers the camera to still beconnected.The order of photos or videos on the camera may be different than on the AilShare Play device.• Depending on the number of photos or videos you want to share, it may take some time to ]oae your photos or videos and complete the initial set-up process.• While viewing photos or videos on the AIIShare Play device, continuously using the device's remote or performing additional operations on the device may prevent this feature fromworking properly.• If you reorder or sort files on the camera while viewing them on an AllShare Play device, you must repeat the initial set-up process to update the list of files on the device.When there are no files in the camera memory, you cannot use this feature.® We recommend you use a network cable to connectyour AllShare PlaydevJce toyour AP.This will minimize any video'Stuttering'you may experience when streaming content.• To view files on an AIIShare Play device using the Nearby devices feature, enable multicast mode on your AP.Wireless network (ST150F/ST151 F/ST152F only) 11 9