Quick refereHceo Beauty Shot mode } 50o Bed-eye/Red-eye Fix (to prevent or correct red-eye)o Face Detection } 67Calptuiri_'_gphotos at night or i_'_tl'_e dairko Scene mode > Sunset, Dawn } 47o Night Shot mode } 51o Flash options } 61o ISO sensitivity (to adjust the sensitivity to light) } 63CalptUlril%g actioll% pl%otoso Continuous, Motion Capture } 73Iphotos of text il'_sects_orro Scene mode > Text _ 47o Close-up Shot mode _ S1o Macro _ 64AdjusS_'_g tl'_e exposuire (hiright_'_ess)o ISO sensitivity (to adjust the sensitivity to light) _ 63o EV(to adjust exposure) } 69o ACB(to compensate for suBgectsagainst brightbackgrounds} _ 70o Metering _ 70o AEB (to capture 3 photos of the same scene withdifferent exposures) _ 73Captuiring photos of sceneiryo Scene mode > Landscape } 47o Live Panorama mode } 48Applying eff_'÷ctsto photoso Magic Frame mode _ 52o Photo Filter mode _ 53o Split Shot mode _ 55o Motion Photo mode _ 56o Image Ad}ust (to ad}ust Sharpness, Contrast, orSaturation) _ 74Applying effi_cts to videoso Movie Filter mode } S4IRedudir_g cameil'a shakeo O)g)tal Image Stab@zation (DIS) } 39o Viewin( rues asmu monalls _ 80o Viewing files by caEecory _ 8],- Deletin( _,,files on the memory _ 83° Viewing flies asa slide show _ _o,- Viewing files on a TV _ 93o Connectir j ,ourc_mera koacomputer _ _4o Sen( mg pno_os or v_aeosv_a emaiST150F/ST151F/ST152F oni v_ _ ] ] 4Using photo or video shaMr j websites(ST150FIST151FIST152F oni xj _ 1] bo ,_ajusting SOUndandv@uR _ _ MsAdiustinq the bMgmness of the display } ] 24Changing :he display language _ ]25o Settin% thedateandtime } 12:5, Beforecontactin{ o servkecenter } 13813