9The beltThe belt on your cleaner causes theagitator to rotate and is importantfor the effective operation of thecleaner. The belt is located underthe bottom plate of the cleaner andshould be checked from time to timeto be sure it is in good condition.When to replaceDisconnect cleaner fromelectrical outlet.To check belt, remove bottom plateas shown in “how to replace.”Replace belt if it is stretched, cut orbroken.Remove agitator and used belt.discard used belt.3-7 3-8Insert agitator through belt and placebelt in belt guide (C) on agitator.Should the agitator shield (D)become dislodged while replacingthe belt or the agitator, reposition itas shown, noting the placement ofits belt guide (E)When to replace theagitator brush rollWhen agitator brushes are worn, theagitator should be replaced.To check condition of brushes,disconnect cleaner from electricaloutlet.Move the edge of a card acrossbottom plate while turning agitator.To maintain cleaning effectiveness,replace agitator if brushes do nottouch card.grasp agitator firmly and fit it intoposition by first sliding the endopposite the belt into the rectangularslot (F) on side of cleaner.Pull other side of agitator (G) into place.Turn agitator, making sure belt is notpinched between agitator and agitatorshield.3-10With lettering on outside of belt andpositioned as shown in box on (D),slide new belt over motor pulley (B).3-9 3-11How to replaceDisconnect cleaner fromelectrical outlet.Remove bottom plate, belt andagitator following directions in “Thebelt” section beginning with Fig. 3-10.discard old agitator.Continue following the directions in“The belt” section to reposition belt,new agitator and bottom plate.Reposition bottom plate and 4screws. Tighten screws securely.3-12 3-13How to replaceDisconnect cleaner from electricaloutlet.Place handle in low position and turncleaner over so bottom side is up.Remove the 5 screws as shown witha screw driver.Maintenance