Basic FeaturesSeeing ChannelsChannel ListAdd, delete or set Favorite channels and use _;the program guide for digital broadcasts.(_ MENU _ Channel --_ Channel List --_ CENTERSelect a channel in the All Channels, AddedChannels, Favorite or Programmed screen bypressing the A / _ and ENTERIZ_ buttons.Then you can watch the selected channel.Using Favorite Channels(_ MENU --_ Channel _ Channel List --_ ENTERI_Add to Favorite / Debte from FavoriteSet channels you watch frequently as Favorites,1. Select a channel and press the TOOLS button.2. Add or delete a channel using the Add to Favorite orDelete from Favorite menu respectively.m {_HAII Channels: Shows all currently available channels.Ill _Added Channels: Shows all added channels.Ill _ Favorite: Shows all favorite channels.Ill _ Programmed: Shows all currently reservedprograms.Using the color buttons with the Channel List" @Red (Antenna): Switches to Air or Cable." [3Green (Zoom): Enlarges or shrinks a channelnumber." _ Yellow (Select): Selects multiple channel lists,Select desired channels and press the Yellow buttonto set all the selected channels at the same time. The_/ mark appears to the left of the selected channels." O (Page): Move to next or previous page.. _-_ (Tools): Displays the Channel List option menu.(The options menus may differ depending on thesituation.)Channel Status Display Icons_/ A channel selected.V A channel set as a Favorite.(_) A reserved Program.To show all Favorite channels, click onthe button shown on the right.Memorizing Channels(_ MENU --_ Channel _ ENTERI_Antenna (Air / Cable)Before your television can begin memorizing the availablechannels, you must specify the type of signal source that isconnected to the TV (i,e. an Air or a Cable system).Auto ProgramIll Air: Air antenna signal.Ill Cable: Cable antenna signal.Ill Auto: Air and Cable antenna.6 English