Phase, Gain, and Sharpness. You can control each item by clicking on it and changing thesetting in the list view.z The R Phase, G Phase, B Phase, Gain, and Sharpness items are only applicable if theSignal Balance item is set to On.Maintenance: Displays the state of the Lamp Control, Screensaver, Screen Matrix Display,Screen Settings, and Safety Lock. You can control each item by clicking it and changing thesetting in the list view.z Lamp Control1) Automatic- Hour: Enter the hour to apply the lamp adjustment. (Maximum and minimum values)- Minute: Enter the minute to apply the lamp adjustment. (Maximum and minimumvalues)- AM/PM : Select AM or PM to apply the lamp adjustment. (Maximum and minimumvalues)- Value : Select the value to apply the lamp adjustment. (Maximum and minimumvalues)2) Manual - Select a value to apply to the lamp by moving the slider.z Safety Screen1) Interval: Enter the time interval when the screensaver is activated.2) Second: Enter the duration the screensaver will run.3) Type: Enter the type of screensaver.z Video Wall1) Video Wall: Select whether to activate the video wall.2) Horizontal: Set how many parts the screen is divided into horizontally.3) Vertical: Set how many parts the screen is divided into vertically.4) : Select the area that the monitor will display.z The Screen Settings only operate when the Screen Matrix Display function is activated.Diagnosis: Displays whether the lamp, internal temperature of the client, brightness sensor andfan are normal, and displays the current and maximum temperatures. You can control themaximum temperature by clicking on it and changing the setting.z An error is displayed if the maximum temperature is lower than the current temperature.Context Menu