54My Name CardMy Name Card allows you to create a virtual business card. Oncecompleted, you can send the card to recipients as a vCardattachment.1. Slide the phone up and touch MENU. Press theDirectional key to highlight the Contactsmenu and touch . Press My Name Card.2. My Name Card opens with the Name field highlighted.3. Enter information in each of the fields as desired. Touchthe Directional key up or down to move betweenfields, then use the keypad to enter information.4. When finished, touch to save the Name Card.Sending Contact Information (vCard) to another Bluetoothenabled phoneYou can send individual contacts or your entire contact list to orfrom another device that is Bluetooth enabled*.Note: *If Bluetooth is not powered on, or your Trance ™ is not paired withanother device see “Bluetooth Search” on page 75.Important!: Not all Bluetooth devices will accept a name card.1. Slide the phone up and touch the right soft keyContacts.2. Highlight a contact and touch the right soft keyOptions.3. Press Send Name Card. The following optionsdisplay:• TXT Message: Allows you to send a name card via TXT Message.A name card with a picture cannot be sent in a TXT Messagebecause it exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed.• Picture Message: Allows you to send a name card via PictureMessage.• Voice Message: Allows you to send a name card via VoiceMessage.• Bluetooth: Allows you to send a name card to a Bluetooth enableddevice.4. Press Bluetooth.5. Highlight the desired contact and touch MARK. Tochoose all contacts, touch the right soft key MarkAll.** When finished, touch the left soft key Done.6. Highlight the destination device an touch .Violin.book Page 54 Tuesday, March 3, 2009 2:12 PM