English - 4Using this function, you can access and control menu options and functions using speech, motions or face recognition.% Refer to the e-Manual or User Manual for more detailed information on Smart Interaction.% Note that the illustrations in this guide may differ from the actual interface on the TV.Voice Control Environment• We recommend using the Voice Control function via the microphone attached to your TV from within 4M of your TV.You can check the usable distance by using Voice Control Environment Test (System → Voice and Motion Control → Voice Control→ Voice Control Environment Test).• Voice Control performance may vary depending on the language spoken, your pronunciation, the volume of your voice and yoursurrounding environment, including ambient noise levels.Motion Control Environment• We recommend using the Motion Control function within about 1.5M ~ 4M with your TV. The TV Camera’s recognition range may differdepending on the angle of camera or other conditions.You can check the recognition range of TV camera by using Motion Control Environment Test (System → Voice and Motion Control →Motion Control → Motion Control Environment Test).• Motion Control recommended to run a Motion Control Environment Test (as described below) which measures the ambient light in theroom, and ensures the built-in TV Camera is able to see you.Menu → System → Voice and Motion Control → Voice Control“More Commands”Volume Up/DownTV Power Off Source ChannelNumberChannel Up/Down MuteMore CommandsMore Commands.% You can also turn your TV on or off using your Trigger Words. For example, ifyou selected “Hi TV”, say “Hi TV Power On” to turn your TV on.− If the Trigger Words is set to Hi TV, say Hi TV Power On.− If the Trigger Words is set to Smart TV, say Smart TV Power On.Voice Control lets you activate and access certain menus and functions on your Smart TV with the sound of your voice.Voice ControlSMART Interaction (Voice and Motion Control)Motion ControlMenu → System → Voice and Motion Control → Motion Control1 Select “On” for Motion Control.2 With Motion Control configured andactivated, stand or sit in front of your TV.Make sure your hand is flat and palm isdirectly toward the TV wave three or fourtimes side to side in a deliberate manner.When the TV recognizes you, the arrowcursor will appear on the screen. You are nowable to control the TV with motion.% If you drop your hand out of range of theTV camera Motion Control will close.Simply raise your hand within 3 secondsto reactivate Motion Control.3 Control the TV using your hands.% While using the Motion Control, if you use other devices (i.e. remote control, keyboard, etc.), Motion Control closes.Pointing Navigation RunAllMotion Control works with the Smart TVs built-in camera and allows you to use motion to open apps in Smart Hub, navigate web pages,and control certain TV functions.• Scroll wheel on the back of your TVto adjust camera angle.(ON) (OFF)1 Select “On” for Voice Control.2 Speak the Trigger Words that you selectedinto the microphone embedded in the TV orpress the VOICE˜ button on your remote.The TV displays the Voice Command Bar.3 Say a word or phrase listed in the VoiceCommand Bar.% Pronounce the word or phrase clearly andcorrectly in the language you selected inLanguage.4 Wait until recognition is complete, and thensay the next command in the same fashion.% To exit the Voice Control mode, speak theTrigger Words or “Cancel” using the TV’smicrophone, or press the RETURNR button.