Sarnsu:lg's Wraless lAN adaptw supports the IEEE 802.1tA, IEEE 802.11B, fEEE&l2.11G. and IEEE 802. t 1N WWllIess corrJTIUlICation protocols. For your "TV toCOfYlElCI to yolJ' networl<, the 'NIrlIless router or modem you use Ill.ISt also SI.JlPOl1one oI1hese prolocols. The fastest of these protocols IS IEEE &l2.11N.Most IWeI$SS networl< ~tems irtcorpo-ate a S9Clrity ~tem that recp.ns devicesthat access the netWOrk tIYoogh an access point or AP (\ypICaty' a WIfeless modemor router) 10 transml an eocrypted securrty code caRed an access keyFWhert connecting 5 Meless LAN Adapter 10 TV in 802.11N mode, WEPtTKIPrrKlP·AES is not supported_.TlooIN<""""''''_ _You coo comocI you' TV 10 your LAN ttrough a standan:I wweless router ormodem. To C()lYl9C! 1W"ElIessIy. you rTVSt mrt altadt a"5amsl.og WIflIless LANAdapter" tMS09A8GN· sold separately) to erther the USBI (HOD) or USB2 porton the back 01 you' "TV. See the iustratlOfl beloW....Network Connection· Wireless...... . _.. __.•...................•_ -~~~.~.~~~~.9..~~..~~~.~~.~~.':l.~~!~~ ..:.~~~~~~~The nstruetloos below are for networks that use the Oynamk: Host Coofiglr.lUonProtocol (OHCPl to configl.Ke network oomecbons autornatlCatt. If yolJ' have aStalJC IP networl<, see ycu user's mcn.JaI for coofigu'atJOf1 instructions.To oonfig.xe yo.x network comection!of a network that uses DHCP, IoIow thesesteps:1. ConnecI ycuTVtoyou' netWOrk as shown in the btratlOflSaboYe.2. TLm on ycu"TV. press the MENU button on ycu remote. Met the selecl Setup_ Networ1l..3. set the Networ1l. Type to Wireless ~ ~ IS not already set to Wireless.4. 5elect Networ1l. Setup. The NetwOl'k Setup screen appears.5. On the Networ1t Setup menu.select an AP(Acce:ss Poot) andad hoc network. If you haveselected netWOrk WIth a secuntykey. the Security Key semen.,.,..,.6. Enter the S8Cl.Wlty key USI"I9 thenurrbers on the remote, and thenpress the Blue Mon on yotXremote.~ If your network uses 'N'EPsecunty encryption. 0-9 and A-F wiD be availabkl on the SecurityKey screen. Use the DirectIOn button on your remote to moYII to thecharacters and the enler key to select them.7. On the NetwOrk Setup menu, set Internet Protocol Setup and DNSSetup to Auto. The Aulo acqulr8S and enters the necessary i'ltemet valuesaotornalically.8. Select Networl< Test to d1eck i'ltet'l'e1 <:OrrlllCtivity,~ For more mformatlOfl. see your lJSef'S manual.Connecting a USB Device for M~ia.PlayYou can erpf photo, rrusic. and fTIO\/I8 files stored on a USB device bycomectl"lg~ to the TV and using theMedIa Play feature. FOfMedia Play operatingnstructlOflS, please see""" """'" ""'""~I--_''oO!lIe-1\\••~~~.~.9.~~~.~..~~..~~~_~~.~~~.':l.~!!~.':' ..:.~~~...tv10st home networ1 use the[)yrl Host Configtration ProtocollOHCPl to oonlig..re networil.COfYlElClJOnS. Home networ1 thatsupport OHCP automatCallY proviclethe fP adciess, SLtlnet mask.gateway. and ONS values your TVneeds to access the Internet so yoJdon't have to enter them mlrOalIy.To config.xe your networl< comectlOflfor a networl< that uses OHCP. followthese steps:1. CoMect yourlV to you" ne\Wl:lrX as s!lo'M1l"1 one 01 the iustratlOflS above.2. TLm on yolJ'"TV. press the MENU button on your remote, and then selectSetup _ Networl<.3. Set the Networl< Type to Wired ~ ~ is rot aJready set to Wired.4. Select Network Setup. The Network Setup screen appears.5. On the Networ1l. Setup menu, set Internet Protocol Setup and DNS 10AutoAuto 8CQJIr9S and enters the necessary internet values automallcaly,6. Select Network Test to chad< fnternet oomoctMly.~ Some networks are StalJC IP netWllr'ks. If ',OJ( network IS a StatiC IP network.you can not use OHCP to configure the network connectJOn.lnslead, youmusl enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask. Gateway, and ONS Servermanually. For instrucbons explalOlng how to conf'9ure a StatIC IP network.see yolJ' use(s manual.Network Connection· Wired.................. - - -There are two mam W&fS to C()lYl9C! your TV to your net'NOfk lISlO\l cable,depel1dirlg on your r.etwork setuP. They are iIlUslrated beloW'Stefl- 6: The Internet@1V and Media Play FeaturesYou" lVs lntametOTV fean.e leis you COf'I1ElC! to an llYElf.exp portal 01 yourfavorite oo·b digital content. CustomiZable widgets giVe you access to Blockbuster.Facebook. YouTlbe. f1d Natlix· and more· aI on ~ HOlY. The Meda Playream lets you COf'I1ElC! to)'OO' PC \:tYoulj1)'OO' heme networ\( and Strllarn PC autioand video lies to)'OO' HOTV USi1g yr:» remote. To use IP1V or S PC Stl81e~. you 0l.lS1 COf'Il8CI yr:» TV to)'OO' i"lllt'Nl)X You can attach the TV to yw;I1l3lW(;rl( it two W'iPJS.l1t cable.lJSf'Ig CAT 5 cable. Of WJeIessti, lJSf'Ig a SanslrogWraiess I..AN Adapter. hstnJctions for both comoction methods are below,S.MOOE: Pross to seIocl the S mode.SLEEP: Automallc:ally shuts off the TV at a preset tlll16.MrS: Pless to choooe stereo. mono Of Separate AudioProgram (SAP btoadcastl.P.MOOE: Pross to select the pictlXe mode.P.SIZE: Selects the pictln slze.cc: Controls the caption decoder.Change the chameIs by pt9SSlI1Q the 0lln1eI button on the remote.~ ~ your TV is attached to a cable or satelrrte bo~, change the chamal USIIllIthe box's remote,Auto Motion Plus 120Hz"" tech1ology lIIl1ua1y eIirTnItes I!nf blr 1"1 'w1deo thatlnchJdEI fast motion such as sports and action rTlOVIeS. To actIvale Auto MotionPlIs. follrJ,y these steps:1. Tum on you'"TV. press the MENU button on your remote. then select PictureOptions _ Auto Motion Plus 120Hz.2. Select the Auto Motion Plus 120Hz sating you want.~ If 00ISll occurs on the screen. please set up the Auto Motion Plus120Hz to Off. If Auto Motion Plus 120Hz is Custom. you can sel upthe Blur Reduction. Judder Reduction or Reset manually.lib.. If Auto Motion Plus 120Hz is Demo, you can compare the difference ofon and 011 rTlOdes.3. Press the RETURN button on your remote.....tlen done.SI\MSUNG-I~- @J~II "',....,,...., T""", ..~"~,,,,'<~~""._~.""L!...J L.!....J L..!.J Mons become ibnInated lor a moment Y.tlen pressed.CD c::D CD (lJso;j the remole control with ttvs Mon set to off wiII reduce the battery usage \iTl(l.)ITlCD CD-----0811- w ~"""""'0""""""'"''''''''''.J~mT::l11 """0''''''''''''''_..--1-1 Q egn-- """""-II ~,.B!!lI.., Displays the ctwneIlist on the screen.---1-1~ lE!.J ~ DISplays Favonte 0lln1eI Usts on \he screen.--II~ Ci>'l-'~~+f-- """"' "'o,m,,,,,, "" "" 1V """'.'-"-'_:.J-ff--- 5elects the on·screen menu ,tMlS ana d1anges!he \I3Iues___~ ~ seeo on the menu.II • :,-H--- Exrts the menu.__ CDII ~ (§) II~II .. °1-'-1II' ~IIPross to df'octly access ct'Ia"oals.Tums the "TV on and off.A4J$1S the vok.JTle.8ti1gs up the 080.YeNS Media Play (USB).0UCkty select ~used !lrIctions.RetlmS to the previous menu.Bu1tons used 1"1 the Channel list. Media Play (USB)menu. etc.Use these Mons i'l Media Play (USB) and Anynet+(HDMI·CEC) modes. (00: Controls record!lg on5amslxlg recorders thai ~ the Anynet+ fealln)AdJUSl the vokroe by pressng the Volume Monon the remote.Pless to soIect additlooaI cM'v1aIs (digrt~ beingbroadcasted by the same station. For 1lXM'lple. to selectchamel"54·3", press "54". then pross "-" a-1d "3".To vrew the 01 Screen Merus. folow these steps:1. TLm on you""TV. press the MENU button on yolJ'ramote. The man menu appears.The mEI"IU's left Side has the folowl"lg menuoptions: Picture, Sound, Channel, Setup. Input. Appfication, and Support.2. Press the .. or .. Mon on ycu remote to select a menu option. and thenpress the ENTER(3I bullon.3. 'Nhen done IJSlIlg l!1e menu, press l!1e EXIT button on your remote to exrt~ You can also change the chamets by pressing the v CH A l)ullon on the front panel of ',OJ(TV and adjust the volume by pressing the -VOl+ button,~el~ting a Source .Remote Control Buttons and FunctionsTo watd1 a rT1OYI9 on ycu B1u.ray player or watd1yolJ' favonte "TV show. yoJ rTllIst select the conectSOIJCll. A SOIJCllIS a device. such as a Blu·ray/OVOplayer. a cablelsate5!e box. antema Of a cable "TVInput. Sources can be connected to ycu"TV ttYoughthe HOMI, OVI. Component. ComposIte. or O-SlbcoroectJons, or hough the Antema or Cable In conoectlOflS.To v.ew the signallrom a swce conoected to the HOMl. OVI. ~\,~e. or 0·st.tJ J8Ck, press the SOURCE button on yolJ' ramote. Each timeyou press the SOURCE button. you ctlange to a dlfferent SOIJCll,~ ThIS IS a special (emote cootrol!of the Visually lIl1palfed and has Braille pomts on the Powef. Channel and Volume buttons.Viewing th.e On Sc.reen Me..,usSarnsu:lg's Wraless lAN adaptw supports the IEEE 802.1tA, IEEE 802.11B, fEEE&l2.11G. and IEEE 802. t 1N WWllIess corrJTIUlICation protocols. For your "TV toCOfYlElCI to yolJ' networl<, the 'NIrlIless router or modem you use Ill.ISt also SI.JlPOl1one oI1hese prolocols. The fastest of these protocols IS IEEE &l2.11N.Most IWeI$SS networl< ~tems irtcorpo-ate a S9Clrity ~tem that recp.ns devicesthat access the netWOrk tIYoogh an access point or AP (\ypICaty' a WIfeless modemor router) 10 transml an eocrypted securrty code caRed an access keyFWhert connecting 5 Meless LAN Adapter 10 TV in 802.11N mode, WEPtTKIPrrKlP·AES is not supported_.TlooIN<""""''''_ _You coo comocI you' TV 10 your LAN ttrough a standan:I wweless router ormodem. To C()lYl9C! 1W"ElIessIy. you rTVSt mrt altadt a"5amsl.og WIflIless LANAdapter" tMS09A8GN· sold separately) to erther the USBI (HOD) or USB2 porton the back 01 you' "TV. See the iustratlOfl beloW....Network Connection· Wireless...... . _.. __.•...................•_ -~~~.~.~~~~.9..~~..~~~.~~.~~.':l.~~!~~ ..:.~~~~~~~The nstruetloos below are for networks that use the Oynamk: Host Coofiglr.lUonProtocol (OHCPl to configl.Ke network oomecbons autornatlCatt. If yolJ' have aStalJC IP networl<, see ycu user's mcn.JaI for coofigu'atJOf1 instructions.To oonfig.xe yo.x network comection!of a network that uses DHCP, IoIow thesesteps:1. ConnecI ycuTVtoyou' netWOrk as shown in the btratlOflSaboYe.2. TLm on ycu"TV. press the MENU button on ycu remote. Met the selecl Setup_ Networ1l..3. set the Networ1l. Type to Wireless ~ ~ IS not already set to Wireless.4. 5elect Networ1l. Setup. The NetwOl'k Setup screen appears.5. On the Networ1t Setup menu.select an AP(Acce:ss Poot) andad hoc network. If you haveselected netWOrk WIth a secuntykey. the Security Key semen.,.,..,.6. Enter the S8Cl.Wlty key USI"I9 thenurrbers on the remote, and thenpress the Blue Mon on yotXremote.~ If your network uses 'N'EPsecunty encryption. 0-9 and A-F wiD be availabkl on the SecurityKey screen. Use the DirectIOn button on your remote to moYII to thecharacters and the enler key to select them.7. On the NetwOrk Setup menu, set Internet Protocol Setup and DNSSetup to Auto. The Aulo acqulr8S and enters the necessary i'ltemet valuesaotornalically.8. Select Networl< Test to d1eck i'ltet'l'e1 <:OrrlllCtivity,~ For more mformatlOfl. see your lJSef'S manual.Connecting a USB Device for M~ia.PlayYou can erpf photo, rrusic. and fTIO\/I8 files stored on a USB device bycomectl"lg~ to the TV and using theMedIa Play feature. FOfMedia Play operatingnstructlOflS, please see""" """'" ""'""~I--_''oO!lIe-1\\••~~~.~.9.~~~.~..~~..~~~_~~.~~~.':l.~!!~.':' ..:.~~~...tv10st home networ1 use the[)yrl Host Configtration ProtocollOHCPl to oonlig..re networil.COfYlElClJOnS. Home networ1 thatsupport OHCP automatCallY proviclethe fP adciess, SLtlnet mask.gateway. and ONS values your TVneeds to access the Internet so yoJdon't have to enter them mlrOalIy.To config.xe your networl< comectlOflfor a networl< that uses OHCP. followthese steps:1. CoMect yourlV to you" ne\Wl:lrX as s!lo'M1l"1 one 01 the iustratlOflS above.2. TLm on yolJ'"TV. press the MENU button on your remote, and then selectSetup _ Networl<.3. Set the Networl< Type to Wired ~ ~ is rot aJready set to Wired.4. Select Network Setup. The Network Setup screen appears.5. On the Networ1l. Setup menu, set Internet Protocol Setup and DNS 10AutoAuto 8CQJIr9S and enters the necessary internet values automallcaly,6. Select Network Test to chad< fnternet oomoctMly.~ Some networks are StalJC IP netWllr'ks. If ',OJ( network IS a StatiC IP network.you can not use OHCP to configure the network connectJOn.lnslead, youmusl enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask. Gateway, and ONS Servermanually. For instrucbons explalOlng how to conf'9ure a StatIC IP network.see yolJ' use(s manual.Network Connection· Wired.................. - - -There are two mam W&fS to C()lYl9C! your TV to your net'NOfk lISlO\l cable,depel1dirlg on your r.etwork setuP. They are iIlUslrated beloW'Stefl- 6: The Internet@1V and Media Play FeaturesYou" lVs lntametOTV fean.e leis you COf'I1ElC! to an llYElf.exp portal 01 yourfavorite oo·b digital content. CustomiZable widgets giVe you access to Blockbuster.Facebook. YouTlbe. f1d Natlix· and more· aI on ~ HOlY. The Meda Playream lets you COf'I1ElC! to)'OO' PC \:tYoulj1)'OO' heme networ\( and Strllarn PC autioand video lies to)'OO' HOTV USi1g yr:» remote. To use IP1V or S PC Stl81e~. you 0l.lS1 COf'Il8CI yr:» TV to)'OO' i"lllt'Nl)X You can attach the TV to yw;I1l3lW(;rl( it two W'iPJS.l1t cable.lJSf'Ig CAT 5 cable. Of WJeIessti, lJSf'Ig a SanslrogWraiess I..AN Adapter. hstnJctions for both comoction methods are below,S.MOOE: Pross to seIocl the S mode.SLEEP: Automallc:ally shuts off the TV at a preset tlll16.MrS: Pless to choooe stereo. mono Of Separate AudioProgram (SAP btoadcastl.P.MOOE: Pross to select the pictlXe mode.P.SIZE: Selects the pictln slze.cc: Controls the caption decoder.Change the chameIs by pt9SSlI1Q the 0lln1eI button on the remote.~ ~ your TV is attached to a cable or satelrrte bo~, change the chamal USIIllIthe box's remote,Auto Motion Plus 120Hz"" tech1ology lIIl1ua1y eIirTnItes I!nf blr 1"1 'w1deo thatlnchJdEI fast motion such as sports and action rTlOVIeS. To actIvale Auto MotionPlIs. follrJ,y these steps:1. Tum on you'"TV. press the MENU button on your remote. then select PictureOptions _ Auto Motion Plus 120Hz.2. Select the Auto Motion Plus 120Hz sating you want.~ If 00ISll occurs on the screen. please set up the Auto Motion Plus120Hz to Off. If Auto Motion Plus 120Hz is Custom. you can sel upthe Blur Reduction. Judder Reduction or Reset manually.lib.. If Auto Motion Plus 120Hz is Demo, you can compare the difference ofon and 011 rTlOdes.3. Press the RETURN button on your remote.....tlen done.SI\MSUNG-I~- @J~II "',....,,...., T""", ..~"~,,,,'<~~""._~.""L!...J L.!....J L..!.J Mons become ibnInated lor a moment Y.tlen pressed.CD c::D CD (lJso;j the remole control with ttvs Mon set to off wiII reduce the battery usage \iTl(l.)ITlCD CD-----0811- w ~"""""'0""""""'"''''''''''.J~mT::l11 """0''''''''''''''_..--1-1 Q egn-- """""-II ~,.B!!lI.., Displays the ctwneIlist on the screen.---1-1~ lE!.J ~ DISplays Favonte 0lln1eI Usts on \he screen.--II~ Ci>'l-'~~+f-- """"' "'o,m,,,,,, "" "" 1V """'.'-"-'_:.J-ff--- 5elects the on·screen menu ,tMlS ana d1anges!he \I3Iues___~ ~ seeo on the menu.II • :,-H--- Exrts the menu.__ CDII ~ (§) II~II .. °1-'-1II' ~IIPross to df'octly access ct'Ia"oals.Tums the "TV on and off.A4J$1S the vok.JTle.8ti1gs up the 080.YeNS Media Play (USB).0UCkty select ~used !lrIctions.RetlmS to the previous menu.Bu1tons used 1"1 the Channel list. Media Play (USB)menu. etc.Use these Mons i'l Media Play (USB) and Anynet+(HDMI·CEC) modes. (00: Controls record!lg on5amslxlg recorders thai ~ the Anynet+ fealln)AdJUSl the vokroe by pressng the Volume Monon the remote.Pless to soIect additlooaI cM'v1aIs (digrt~ beingbroadcasted by the same station. For 1lXM'lple. to selectchamel"54·3", press "54". then pross "-" a-1d "3".To vrew the 01 Screen Merus. folow these steps:1. TLm on you""TV. press the MENU button on yolJ'ramote. The man menu appears.The mEI"IU's left Side has the folowl"lg menuoptions: Picture, Sound, Channel, Setup. Input. Appfication, and Support.2. Press the .. or .. Mon on ycu remote to select a menu option. and thenpress the ENTER(3I bullon.3. 'Nhen done IJSlIlg l!1e menu, press l!1e EXIT button on your remote to exrt~ You can also change the chamets by pressing the v CH A l)ullon on the front panel of ',OJ(TV and adjust the volume by pressing the -VOl+ button,~el~ting a Source .Remote Control Buttons and FunctionsTo watd1 a rT1OYI9 on ycu B1u.ray player or watd1yolJ' favonte "TV show. yoJ rTllIst select the conectSOIJCll. A SOIJCllIS a device. such as a Blu·ray/OVOplayer. a cablelsate5!e box. antema Of a cable "TVInput. Sources can be connected to ycu"TV ttYoughthe HOMI, OVI. Component. ComposIte. or O-SlbcoroectJons, or hough the Antema or Cable In conoectlOflS.To v.ew the signallrom a swce conoected to the HOMl. OVI. ~\,~e. or 0·st.tJ J8Ck, press the SOURCE button on yolJ' ramote. Each timeyou press the SOURCE button. you ctlange to a dlfferent SOIJCll,~ ThIS IS a special (emote cootrol!of the Visually lIl1palfed and has Braille pomts on the Powef. Channel and Volume buttons.Viewing th.e On Sc.reen Me..,us PreviousNext |