4-54. TroubleshootingI cannot play files with the wmv or flvextension.DLNA Video Play Check the table of supported formats. (page 2-25)I cannot use the 20 second Seekfunction while playing at 2x FastForward.DLNA Video Play To use the Seek function while playing at 2x Fast Forward,press the Play button to first make the playing speednormal. After that, you will be able to use the Seek function.Although I can play some files, I cannotplay others even if they have the sameresolution and format.DLNA Video Play For unsupported videos, some videos at a certainresolution and format may be played.I can run Trick and Seek with a USBdevice, but I cannot run Trick and Seekwith DLNA.DLNA Video Play For DNLA, Trick is not supported. And only Seek issupported for PS and TS.How can I show captions? DLNA Video Play Check the table of supported subscript formats.And multi-language is supported.When I enter Internet@TV, the“Connecting to the service...” warningmessage box appears where I canselect either Retry or Cancel, and Icannot enter Internet@TV. (The PanelBar is not displayed.)An explanation ofInternet@TVThis happens when normal information is not receivedfrom the Internet@TV after purchasing the TV. In this case,connect the Internet cable and then try again.Although I can enter Internet@TV, Icannot connect to the service.An explanation ofInternet@TVThis happens when Internet@TV has been properlyconnected at least once but the Internet is not currentlyconnected. In this case, connect the Internet cable and tryagain.When the network is connected,I cannot connect to some of theinformation.An explanation ofInternet@TVThis happens when the CP sends incomplete information.In this case, reconnect to the Internet and try again.Photos are not displayed or aredisplayed intermittently in the DetailedNews View.An explanation ofInternet@TVThis may occur due to a slow Internet speed. Retry andask your Internet Service Provider about the low data rateproblem.The Mode information of the Newschanges. (E.g. ‘Entertainment’ was inthe News mode list, but it has beenremoved from the list.)An explanation ofInternet@TVThe Mode information of the News is simply displayed as itis provided by the CP and is not relevant to the TV.The displayed stock price is differentfrom the current price.An explanation ofInternet@TVThe corresponding information is supplied by CP and isnot relevant to the TV. The information provided by the CPis delayed information and the announcement informingthe viewer that the information is delayed information isdisplayed in the service.