English03 Basic FeaturesRepeat: Select Once, Everyday, Mon~Fri, Mon~Sat,Sat~Sun or Manual to set at you convenience. If youselect Manual, you can set up the day you want toactivate the timer.✎ The mark indicates the day is selected.✎ Auto Power Off (available only when the TV is turnedon by the Timer): The TV will be automatically turned offafter 3 hours of being left idle to prevent overheating. Locking ProgramsMENU Setup Security ENTERSecurityThe PIN input screen appears, Enter your 4 digit PIN number.■ V-Chip: The V-Chip feature automatically locks outprograms that are deemed inappropriate for children.The user must enter a PIN (personal identificationnumber) before any of the V-Chip restrictions are set upor changed.✎ NOTE V-Chip is not available in HDMI, Componentor PC mode. The default PIN number of a new TV set is“0-0-0-0”. Allow All: Press to unlock all TV ratings. Block All: Press to lock all TV ratings.V-Chip Lock (Off / On): You can block rated TVPrograms.TV Parental Guidelines: You can block TV programsdepending on their rating. This function allows you tocontrol what your children are watching.– TV-Y: Young children / TV-Y7: Children 7 and over /TV-G: General audience / TV-PG: Parental guidance/ TV-14: Viewers 14 and over / TV-MA: Matureaudience– ALL: Lock all TV ratings. / FV: Fantasy violence / V:Violence / S: Sexual situation / L: Adult Language / D:Sexually Suggestive Dialog✎ The V-Chip will automatically block certaincategories dealing with more sensitive material.For example, if you block the TV-Y category,then TV-Y7 will automatically be blocked.Similarly, if you block the TV-G category, thenall the categories in the young adult group willbe blocked (TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14 and TV-MA).The sub-ratings (D, L, S, V) work similarly. So,if you block the L sub-rating in TV-PG, thenthe L sub-ratings in TV-14 and TV-MA willautomatically be blocked.MPAA Rating: You can block movies depending ontheir MPAA rating. The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica(MPAA) has implemented a rating system thatprovides parents or guardians with advanced informationon which films are appropriate for children.– G: General audience (no restrictions). / PG: Parentalguidance suggested. / PG-13: Parents stronglycautioned. / R: Restricted. Children under 17 shouldbe accompanied by an adult. / NC-17: No childrenunder age 17. / X: Adults only. / NR: Not rated.✎ The V-Chip will automatically block anycategory that deals with more sensitive material.For example, if you block the PG-13 category,then R, NC-17 and X will automatically beblocked.Canadian English: You can block TV programsdepending on their Anglophone Canadian ratings.– C: Programming intended for children under age 8. /C8+: Programming generally considered acceptablefor children 8 years and over to watch on their own./ G: General programming, suitable for all audiences./ PG: Parental Guidance. / 14+: Programmingcontains themes or content which may not besuitable for viewers under the age of 14. / 18+: Adultprogramming.✎ The V-Chip will automatically block anycategory that deals with more sensitive material.For example, if you block the G category, thenPG, 14+ and 18+ will automatically be blocked.Canadian French: You can block TV programsdepending on their French Canadian rating.– G: General / 8 ans+: Programming generallyconsidered acceptable for children 8 years and overto watch on their own. / 13 ans+: Programming maynot be suitable for children under the age of 13. / 16ans+: Programming is not suitable for children underthe age of 16. / 18 ans+: Programming restricted toadults.✎ The V-Chip will automatically block anycategory that deals with more sensitive material.For example, if you block the 8 ans+ category,then 13 ans+, 16 ans+ and 18 ans+ willautomatically be blocked also.Downloadable U.S. Rating: Parental restrictioninformation can be used while watching DTV channels.