Ubigate iBG1000 System Description/Ed.02© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 2-7Port NumberingThis section describes the port number conventions used by Ubigate routerssuch as iBG3026, iBG2016, iBG2006, and iBG1000.Ports on a network module are numbered in a format: network module slot-number/interface-number, and ports on a mini-module are numbered in aformat: network module slot-number/mini-module slot number/interface-number.Network modules are numbered from right to left, starting with slot numberone. If there is more than one row, the bottom row is numbered first, fromright to left, starting at slot one, then the next row up is numbered, from rightto left, starting with the next slot number based on the lower rows last (leftmost) numbered slot. The main board is considered as network module slot 0.Mini modules are numbered from right to left, starting with slot number zero.If there is more than one row, the bottom row is numbered first, from right toleft, starting at slot zero, then the next row up is numbered, from right to left,starting with the next slot number based on the lower rows last (left most)numbered slot.Ports on any mini module or network module are numbered from right to left,starting with port number zero. If there is more than one row of ports on agiven module, the bottom row is numbered first, from right to left, starting atport zero, then the next row up is numbered, from right to left, starting withthe next port number based on the lower rows last (left most) numbered port.