CHAPTER 3. Software Overview3-10 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.Packet Forwarding PlaneThe Router Subsystem is a software-based router that can flexibly support avariety of routing protocols. Packet headers may be examined and modified asrequired to support routing between links supporting different protocols.Received packets are moved into the main memory by the source interfaceusing DMA. The routing processor on the main board examines each packetheader in the main memory, makes the routing decision, modifies the packetas required, and inserts the packet into the transmit queue for the appropriatedestination. The destination interface then copies the packet from mainmemory using DMA and transmits the packet.Packet data is stored in data buffers that are separate from the descriptorstructures used by the source and destination DMA Controllers. This allowsthe processor to get a packet ready for transmission without copying it fromone buffer to another.The forwarding plane consists of the following software components: Layer 2 Forwarding component: This component performs layer 2forwarding functions such as VLAN trunking. Layer 3 Forwarding component: This component performs IPv4 unicast,and IPv4 multicast forwarding functions. Firewall/VPN component: This component performs the firewall and IPSecbased VPN functions in conjunction with Layer 3 Forwarding component. ACL component: This component performs ACL based stateless firewallfunction for packets received on the WAN and main board Fast Ethernetinterfaces. QoS component: This component performs the QoS functions for packetsreceived from WAN interfaces as well as packets transmitted to WANinterfaces. Tunneling component: This component performs the GRE and IPIPtunneling functions.