Ubigate iBG2016 TroubleShooting Manual/Ed.00© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 3Max DSP limit alarmIt is an alarm created when a certain percentage is reached on the basis ofconfigured max DSP channel usage threshold.SymptomsOn the iBG2016 system, following event will be occurred.#Feb 09 12:00:00 critical EVENT Exceeding a majorthreshold of the DSP channel capacity limit RAISE#Feb 09 12:00:03 informational EVENT Exceeding a majorthreshold of the DSP channel capacity limit CLEAR#Feb 09 12:00:12 error EVENT Exceeding a minorthreshold of the DSP channel capacity limit RAISE#Feb 09 12:00:15 informational EVENT Exceeding a minorthreshold of the DSP channel capacity limit CLEARPossible CausesCurrent DSP usage is reached on pre-configured threshold alarm value.Troubleshooting1. Change threshold alarm max-dsp value.2. Change your DSP card have high performanceTo change theshold alarm max-dsp value, use call-admission threshold alarmmax-dsp CLI command in global configuration command mode. To checkcurrent value use show running-config command.call-admission threshold alarm max-dsp min maj no call-admission threshold alarm max-dspmin : Is the percentage of current used dsp channel against max dspchannel that minor alarm would be created. Default value is 70. Range is 1~99.maj : Is the percentage of current used dsp channel against max dspchannel that major alarm would be created. Default value is 80. Range is 1~99.It is impossible to set up the value of max DSP channel used as the basis, thesystem decides automatically according to the type of the mounted DSP card.