ENGLISH CZECH20Nastavení videokameryPreparingUsing the Battery PackD The continuous recording times given in the table are approximate.Actual recording time may differ depending on usage.Notes:D The battery pack should be recharged in a room temperature that isbetween 0∞C and 40∞C.It should never be charged in a room temperature that is below 0∞C.D The life and capacity of the battery pack will be reduced if it is usedin temperatures below 0°C,even when it is fully charged.D The life and capacity of the battery pack will be reduced if thebattery pack is left in temperatures above 40∞C for a long period,even when it is fully recharged.D Do not put the battery pack near any heat source (fire or flames,for example) or leave in direct sunlight.D Do not connect +/- of the battery pack.Table of continuous recording time based on model andbattery type.BatteryTypeSB-L110ASB-L160Approx-imately90 minutesApprox-imately130 minutesApprox-imately80 minutesApprox-imately120 minutesApprox-imately80 minutesApprox-imately110 minutesApprox-imately130 minutesApprox-imately190 minutesApprox-imately120 minutesApprox-imately170 minutesApprox-imately110 minutesApprox-imately160 minutesSB-L320 Approx-imately260 minutesApprox-imately390 minutesApprox-imately240 minutesApprox-imately340 minutesApprox-imately230 minutesApprox-imately320 minutesLCD ON,EVF OFFLCD OFF,EVF ONLCD ON,EVF OFFLCD OFF,EVF ONLCD ON,EVF OFFLCD OFF,EVF ONVP-L600/L610 VP-L630 VP-L650ModelBaterieTypSB-L110ASB-L160cca 90minutcca 130minutcca 260minutcca 130minutcca 190minutcca 390minutcca 80minutcca 120minutcca 240minutcca 120minutcca 170minutcca 340minutcca 80minutcca 110minutcca 230minutcca 110minutcca 160minutcca 320minutSB-L320LCD ON,EVF OFFLCD OFF,EVF ONLCD ON,EVF OFFLCD OFF,EVF ONLCD ON,EVF OFFLCD OFF,EVF ONVP-L600/L610 VP-L630 VP-L650PouÏívání akumulátoruD âasové údaje uvedené v tabulce jsou pouze orientaãní.Skuteãny ãas bude závisly na zpÛsobu pouÏití.Poznámky:D Akumulátor nabíjejte pfii pokojové teplotû (0 - 40°C), nikdy v‰ak pfiiteplotû niωí neÏ 0°C.D Îivotnost a pouÏití akumulátoru se zkrátí, pouÏijete -li jej v prostfiedí sniωí teplotou neÏ 0°C nebo v prostfiedí s vy‰‰í teplotou neÏ 40°C, a to ipfii úplném nabití.D Neodkládejte akumulátor blízko tepelného zdroje, napfi. ohnû.D Nikdy nespojujte opaãné póly akumulátoru (+/-).Tabulka pfiibliÏné délky nepfietrÏitého záznamu podle modelukamery a typu akumulátoruModell