Understanding Your Contacts 46Create a New GroupIn addition to the five groups already in your phone, you cancreate additional groups (a maximum of 25). New group namesmust be within a 32-character limit.1. From the home screen, press MENU. TheContacts menu is shown. Press Groups. Yourexisting groups appear in the display.2. Press the left soft key New. A NEW GROUP pop-up menudisplays with the “Enter Name” field highlighted.3. Enter the Group name.4. Press SAVE to save. The Groups list now displaysthe new group added.Send a Text Message to Members of a GroupUse Send Message in the Group feature to send a message to asmany as 10 members of a group at once.Note: Text messaging availability varies when roaming off the VerizonWireless Network.1. From the home screen, press MENU. TheContacts menu is shown. Press Groups. Yourexisting groups appear in the display.2. Highlight the desired group name and press the right softkey Options. Highlight New TXT Msg and press .3. Press the directional key up or down to highlight thecontacts in the group you want to send a message. Pressto place a checkmark next to each selection to sendmessages to.4. Press the left soft key Done after selecting up to 10contacts.Note: You can mark up to 10 members of a group for message distribution. Ifyou try to mark an 11th member, you’ll be notified that “MAXIMUMNUMBER OF RECIPIENTS IS 10”.5. Press the directional key down to place the cursor in theText field.6. Enter the content of your message using the keypad.7. To send the text message, press SEND.