96Buddies NowWhen you add contacts using the Buddies now screen thecontacts are marked as Favorites and display on this screen.Any updates made to their private networking applicationsdisplays here, and you can comment or call them with one touch.1. Use the Add to Home Screen ➔ Samsung Widgets to addBuddies Now to the Home screen. For more information,refer to “Adding an application to the Home screen” onpage 31.2. Tap the plus sign and select a contact from the Contact listto add to the Buddies now list.3. Touch Message to send a message to the contact.4. Touch Call to call the contact.5. Touch the contact photo or image to display contactinformation, History, Updates, and Media related to thiscontact.To remove a contact from the Buddies now list:1. Touch Edit from the Buddies Now screen.2. Touch the minus symbol on the upper right corner of theimage to delete the contact from this list.CalculatorUsing this feature you can use the phone as a calculator. Thecalculator provides the basic arithmetic functions; addition,subtraction, multiplication, and division. You can also use this asa scientific calculator.1. From the Home screen, touch ➔ Calculatorapplication.2. Enter the first number using the numeric keys.3. Enter the operation for your calculation by touching thePlus, Minus, Multiplication, or Division key.4. Enter the next number.5. To view the result, touch the = key.6. Repeat steps 1 to 4 as many times as required.