Warranty Information 177Samsung Electronics America, Inc.85 Challenger RoadRidgefield Park, New Jersey 07660Phone: 1-800-SAMSUNG© 2012 Samsung Electronics America, Inc. All rightsreserved.No reproduction in whole or in part allowed without priorwritten approval.Specifications and availability subject to change withoutnotice. [111611]End User License Agreement forSoftwareIMPORTANT. READ CAREFULLY: This End User LicenseAgreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you(either an individual or a single entity) and SamsungElectronics Co., Ltd. ("Samsung Electronics Co.") forsoftware, owned by Samsung Electronics Co. and itsaffiliated companies and its third party suppliers andlicensors, that accompanies this EULA, which includescomputer software and may include associated media,printed materials, "online" or electronic documentation("Software"). Samsung Electronics Co. is a separate companyfrom the company that provides the limited warranty for thismobile device, Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC.This device requires the use of preloaded software in itsnormal operation. BY USING THE DEVICE OR ITS PRELOADEDSOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS EULA. IF YOUDO NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS, DO NOT USE THE DEVICE ORTHE SOFTWARE. INSTEAD, RETURN THE DEVICE TO THERETAILER FOR A REFUND OR CREDIT.1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Samsung Electronics Co. grants youthe following rights provided that you comply with all termsand conditions of this EULA: You may install, use, access,display and run one copy of the Software on the local harddisk(s) or other permanent storage media of one computerand use the Software on a single computer or a mobiledevice at a time, and you may not make the Softwareavailable over a network where it could be used by multiplecomputers at the same time. You may make one copy of theSoftware in machine readable form for backup purposesonly; provided that the backup copy must include allcopyright or other proprietary notices contained on theoriginal.