Understanding Your Device 33Calculator: The calculator provides the basicarithmetic functions; addition, subtraction,multiplication, and division. The calculator can alsobe used as a scientific calculator. A shortcut toCalculator appears on the Main Home screen bydefault. For more information, refer to “Calculator”on page 109.Calendar: Record events and appointments tomanage your schedule. For more information, referto “Calendar” on page 109.Camera: Take photos or record videos. For moreinformation, refer to “Camera” on page 87.Clock: Schedule alarms to remind you ofappointments or events, or as a wake-up. For moreinformation, refer to “Clock” on page 111.Contacts: Save and manage contact information foryour friends and colleagues. For more information,refer to “Contacts” on page 46.Downloads: Files, apps, and other items youdownload in Browser, Gmail, Email, or in other ways,are stored on your tablet’s internal storage. Use theDownloads app to view, reopen, or delete what youhave downloaded. For more information, refer to“Downloads” on page 114.Email: Send and receive email from your device. Formore information, refer to “Email” on page 57.FM Radio: The built-in FM radio in your deviceprovides free music from your local FM radio stations.A shortcut to FM Radio appears on the Main Homescreen by default. For more information, refer to “FMRadio” on page 85.Gallery: View and manage photos stored on yourdevice or on an installed memory card. For moreinformation, refer to “Gallery” on page 94.FM