5iDCS 28D KEYSET4FEATURE ACCESS CODESThis user guide is written based on the default access code for using sys-tem features. If the system numbering plan has been changed some of theaccess codes may not be correct. Your installing company can inform youof the correct codes.SYSTEM TONESThe system provides several tones to assist you. Some of these tones arealready familiar to you.Intercom Dial Tone—A steady tone that indicates you can begin dialling.DIAL TONECONTINUOUSRingback Tone—Indicates the station you dialed is ringing.RINGBACK TONE—1000 ms ON/3000 ms OFFCONTINUOUSBusy Tone—Indicates the station you dialed is busy.BUSY TONE—500 ms ON/500 ms OFFCONTINUOUSDND/No More Calls Tone—Fast busy tone indicates the station youdialed is in the Do Not Disturb mode or cannot receive any more calls.DND/NO MORE CALLS TONE—250 ms ON/250 ms OFFFOR TEN SECONDSTransfer/Conference Tone—Indicates your call is being held and youcan dial another party.TRANSFER/CONF TONE—100 ms ON/100 ms OFFCONTINUOUSConfirmation Tone—Very short beeps followed by dial tone indicate youhave correctly set or canceled a system feature.CONFIRMATION TONE—50 ms ON/50 ms OFFFOR ONE SECOND(programmable)Error Tone—A distinctive two level beeping tone indicates you havedone something incorrectly. Try again.ERROR TONE—50 ms of tone 1/50 ms of tone 2FOR THREE SECONDSScrollCall 1 Call 2 MessageMemory RedialTransfer SpeakerHOLD ANS/RLSVolume1 2 ABC 3 DEF4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO7PQRS 8 TUV 9WXYZ0OPERiDCS 28D32 CHARACTER DISPLAYTwo lines with 16 characters each. TERMINAL STATUS INDICATORUsed to provide your keyset status.SOFT KEYSUsed to acti-vate featuresvia the display.SCROLL KEYUsed to scrollthrough dis-plays.20 PROGRAMMABLE KEYSWITH TRI-COLORED LIGHTSUsed for CALL buttons, intercomcalls, outside lines and many othersystem features.8 PROGRAMMABLE KEYS WITHTRI-COLORED LIGHTS Used tocall stations directly, to indicatebusy conditions of other stations,for One Touch dialling and manyother system features.VOLUME CONTROLKEYS Used to set inde-pendent levels for handset,speaker, backgroundmusic, ring and page vol-umes.MICRO-PHONEFor handsfreeoperation.ANSWER/RELEASE KEYHOLD KEYSPEAKERFor hands-free opera-tion and ring-ing.