20EnglishUSEFUL FUNCTIONS OPERATION (CONTINUED)Note: The prompt will disappear after about 10 sec. If you repeatedly insert and remove the USB device, theprompt may not appear.Manually:1! Firstly, insert the USB flash memory into USB Port.2! Press MENU button on the remote control and usethe CURSOR ŻDQGŹ buttons to select SETUPmenu. Press the OK button.3! 8VHWKH&85625ŸDQGźEXWWRQVWRKLJKOLJKWUSB photo viewer function. Press the OK button.4! The USB photo viewer will appear. Press OKbutton. When you do nothing, it will disappear afterfew seconds.Note: The viewer will also open even if there are no photo files. While the USB Photo Viewer is active, the main menucannot be displayed.VIEWING PHOTOSThere are three types of view modes.Multi View:This view allows you to search for photos in a gridformat. These pictures are displayed using thumbnaildata in each image file.1! 3UHVV&85625ŸźŻŹ to move the highlightin one window. If all of the photos will not fit inone screen, when pressing CURSOR Ż buttonat the top left thumbnail, the screen will move tothe previous page. Conversely, when pressingCURSOR Ź button at the bottom right thumbnail,the screen will move to the next page. CH+ and CH-buttons can be used to page up/down the photo listwhen there are more photos than will fit onto onescreen.Photos/USB/Navigate09110807538cdac9e6053c973b.jpgDate : 04-30-2006 14:39:551440X900OK Select CH Page BackR2! When you select a folder, press OK to move to thenext layer.3! When you select a photo. Press OK to view theselected photo in Single view mode.Single View:In this view mode, only files located in the selecteddirectory shall be displayed. This view allows you tochange the photo content manually. When moving fromMulti View to the Single View, the currently selectedphoto shall be displayed.1! Use CURSOR Źbutton to view the next photo. UseCURSOR Żbutton to view the previous photo.2! Use CURSOR Ÿbutton to rotate the image 90°counterclockwise. Use CURSOR źbutton to rotatethe image 90° clockwise.Slideshow:This view allows you to watch a slideshow of thephotos. In this mode, only files located in the selecteddirectory will be played.1! To start slideshow, press OK button in the Single Viewmode. You can see the state of Sildeshow is On or Offat the right bottom.Date : 10-22-2006 13:48:101440X900BackR MENU Photos menuSlideshow offDate : 10-22-2006 13:48:101440X900BackR MENU Photos menuSlideshow on2! Use CURSOR ŻDQGŹ buttons to view the previousor next photo.To set Display interval and Repeat settings:Gently insert a supported USB storage device to theUSB port on the rear side of the TV. A prompt willappear.1! Press MENU button to open the Photos Menu.2! Use CURSOR ŸDQGź buttons to select eitherDisplay interval or Repeat.3! Use CURSOR ŻDQGŹ buttons to adjust thesetting and press MENU button.To close the Photo Viewer:1! Press EXIT button then television will return to thelast viewed channel or external input.