Sanyo DP42142 Owner's Manual
Also see for DP42142: Service manualManual de usuario
REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION _______________________________Auto – Searches the detected mode,Cable or Air.Cable – Searches for analog andunscrambled (ClearQAM) digital cablechannels.Air (Antenna) – Searches for analogand digital off-air channels.Digital Add-On – Searches digital chan-nels adding newly found digital chan-nels to the channel database.Channel SearchDisplay the On Screen menu and usethe CURSOR keys to selectChannel. Press ENTER.ON-SCREEN MENUOPERATIONChannel Scan Memory lists all Analogand Digital channels found. It also listsAnalog channels that were not found,which can be added.Use the CURSOR keys to move thechannel select bar through all enabledand disabled channels.NOTE: You can use the CH keys tochange page.Press ENTER to enable or disable theselected channel.NOTE: For information on local digitalchannels, visit www.antennaweb.orgChannel Scan MemoryChannel Scan MemoryMove SelectENTERPageCH ExitEXITReturnMENUTVAnalogDigitalDigitalAnalogAnalogAnalogDigital0303-103-204050606-1WREG-DTWCVBWEXTNICKNICKVBCTIMPORTANT FACT: This HDTV maintains onlyone database of digital channels. Therefore,when you search for cable channels, thedatabase of antenna digital channels will bedeleted. You will only be able to receive thoseClearQAM channels your cable companyprovides.Input Setting feature allows theremoval of unused inputs from the AVinput loop.Use the CURSOR keys to select anAV input. Press ENTER to disable(uncheck) or enable (check) the high-lighted input.NOTE: At least one input must andwill remain checked.Unchecked box means the input willbe skippedInput SettingChannel SettingMove SelectENTER ExitEXITReturnMENUTVChannel SearchChannel Scan MemoryInput SettingVideo2 SettingVideo1Video2HDMI1HDMI2HDMI3USB:SkipUse this feature to establish either aComponent or Composite connectionto the VIDEO INPUT 2 jacks on yourHDTV.Use the CURSOR keys to select thetype of connection you’ll use in VIDEOINPUT 2.Press ENTER, a blue mark will appearnext to the selected option indicating itas the active option.Video2 SettingSETUPDisplay the On Screen menu and usethe CURSOR keys to selectSetup.Press ENTER.Menu LanguageChoose between English, Spanish andFrench for your On Screen menu’s dis-play language.Press ENTER on the desired language.Captioning is textual information trans-mitted along with the picture andsound. Turning Captioning ON (bypressing the CAPTION key during nor-mal TV viewing) causes the HDTV toopen these captions (digital oranalog) and superimpose them on thescreen.NOTE: Local broadcasters decidewhich caption signals to transmit.Use the CURSOR and keys tomodifyFont,Background, andForeground of digital caption text.Digital CaptionThis feature allows you to set aCurrent Time for your HDTV andenable aSwitch On Time for the HDTVto turn on at a specific time of day.WhenOn Timer Function is set toON,the TV will automatically turn on at thepreviously setSwitch on Time.Use the CURSOR and keys tomodify theCurrent Time and/orSwitchOn Time.Clock TimerUse this feature to automatically blockprograms with content you deem asinappropriate for viewing by yourchildren.NOTE: This feature is designed to com-ply with the United States ofAmerica’s FCC V-Chip regula-tions. Therefore, it may not func-tion with broadcasts that origi-nate in other countries.ADJUSTING THE V-CHIP RATINGSSelectON and press ENTER. SelectAdjust (Standard) and press ENTER.NOTE: Blocking a rating will automati-cally block all higher ratings.Unblocking a rating will auto-matically unblock all lowerratings.For V-Chip (Movie) ratings selectMovieand press ENTER, and then select thedesired MPAA rating limit. Press theEXIT key to close the V-Chip menu.V-Chip (parental control)For V-Chip (TV) ratings selectTV andpress ENTER. Use the CURSOR keys to select a rating and press ENTER.Use the CURSOR keys to set therating’s status asBlocked orViewable.Once ratings are set, press the EXIT keyto close the V-Chip menu.NOTE: Some TV ratings offer moredetailed settings such asDialogue, Language, Sexual,and Violence.SetupMenu LanguageV – ChipDigital CaptionEnergy SolutionClock TimerMode (Home/Store)OffOnAdjust (standard)Move SelectENTER ExitEXITReturnMENUTVADVANCED V-CHIP SYSTEM (RRT5)RRT5 (V-Chip Regional Ratings 5) is anadvanced V-Chip ratings system for overthe air digital channels. When the HDTVdetects compatible RRT5 data, it’sdownloaded & stored in memory, andthe Setup V-Chip screen is then mod-ified to show theAdjust (Advanced)option.Use the CURSOR and keys tohighlight the different options, and usethe ENTER key to block or unblock theselected rating.NOTE: When vertical scroll bars appear,press CURSOR to gainaccess to the additional ratings.MORE INFORMATIONAdditional information about MPAA(Motion Picture Association ofAmerica) and V-Chip rating can befound at:, respectively.Display the On Screen menu and usethe CURSOR keys to selectPicture. Press ENTER.You may choose betweenVivid, Mild,andStandard, which have predeter-mined fixed picture parametervalues, or choose theManual optionfor customized personal settings.NOTE: Each AV input can have itsown picture mode (pre-deter-mined or manual.) Currentinput’s selected option is indi-cated by a blue marker.MANUAL PICTURE SETTINGSManual parameters to adjust include:•Color •Tint•Contrast •Brightness•Sharpness •Color TemperatureTheDetailed Setting option allows forthe adjustment of several additionalparameters such as:•Signal Balancer •Noise Reduction•White Balance •Edge Enhancer•H-Size / V-Size •Dynamic ContrastPictureVividMildStandardManualColorTintContrastBrightnessSharpnessColor TemperatureDetailed SettingDefaultMove SelectENTER ExitEXITReturnMENUTVADJUSTING A PICTURE SETTINGUse the CURSOR keys to highlightthe picture parameter you wish toadjust. Press the ENTER key to enter thevalue adjustment screen. Modify theselected parameter’s value by pressingthe CURSOR keys.NOTE: CURSOR keys select thenext/previous parameter with-out returning to the previousmenu screen.Once adjustments are complete, pressthe EXIT key to return to normal TVviewing.Display the On Screen menu and usethe CURSOR keys to selectSound. Press ENTER.Choose sound setting option:Auto – Sound settings are linked tothe current Picture option and param-eters are adjusted accordingly.Dynamic, Mild, Standard –Predetermined sound parameters notlinked with any Picture option.MANUAL SOUND SETTINGSTheManual option provides differentparameters that can be personallyadjusted:•Bass & Treble•Bass Extension•Audyssey Dynamic Volume 1•Detailed Setting– Equalizer: Personalize audio highsand lows.ManualMove SelectENTER ExitEXITReturnMENUTVBassTrebleBass ExtensionAudyssey Dynamic VolumeDetailed SettingDefault SoundONMediumADJUSTING A SOUND SETTINGUse the CURSOR keys to highlightthe sound parameter you wish to adjust.Press the ENTER key to enter the valueadjustment screen. Modify the selectedparameter’s value by pressing theCURSOR keys.NOTE: CURSOR keys select thenext/previous parameter with-out returning to the previousmenu screen.Once adjustments are complete, pressthe EXIT key to return to normal TVviewing.1 Audyssey Dynamic Volume solves theproblem of large variations in volume levelbetween television programs, commercials,and between the soft and loud passages ofmovies. Audyssey Dynamic EQ is integratedinto Dynamic Volume so that as the playbackvolume is adjusted automatically, the per-ceived bass response, tonal balance, surroundimpression and dialog clarity remain the same.NOTE: A thumbnail hide icon willappear if a picture cannot be decodedor if no thumbnail data is available.View pictures on your HDTV with theuse of a USB mass storage device (notincluded.)HDMI(DVI)INPUT1Insert the flash drive into the USB port,the TV will display the Photo Viewerscreen, selectShuffle Play orBrowsePhotos and press ENTER to begin.USB FLASHDRIVEPHOTO VIEWERUSB INPUTUSING THE PHOTO VIEWERPress ENTER on a thumbnail photo toenable theRotate, Full View and StartSlideshow functions.Once inFull View mode:Use the CURSOR keys to changepicture.Press ENTER to show the full viewoptions menu.•Rotate •Zoom In / Out•Pan •Slideshow setup•Start Slideshow •Browse PhotoSLIDE SHOWIn theSlideshow Setup menu you mayturn theShuffle andQuick ChangeoptionsON orOFF.Press ENTER onStart Slideshoweither from the Thumbnail ViewScreen or from the full view optionsmenu to start the slideshow from thecurrent picture.V-Chip (continued)HDTV BACK PANELYour Sanyo HDTV is registered at the time of purchase,please keep sales receipt for future reference.For your protection in the event of theft or loss of this product, please fill in theinformation requested below and KEEP IN A SAFE PLACE FOR YOUR OWNPERSONAL RECORDS.Model No. ______________________ Serial No. _____________________________Purchase date ___________________ Purchase Price _________________________Where Purchased _________________________(Located on back of unit)ONE-YEAR LIMITED PARTS AND LABORWARRANTYTHIS LIMITED PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY IS VALID ONLY ON SANYO TELEVISIONSPURCHASED AND USED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CANADA, AND PUERTORICO, EXCLUDING ALL OTHER U.S. TERRITORIES AND PROTECTORATES. THIS LIMITEDWARRANTY APPLIES ONLY TO THE ORIGINAL RETAIL PURCHASER, AND DOES NOTAPPLY TO PRODUCTS USED FOR INDUSTRIAL OR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.WARRANTY APPLICATIONFOR ONE YEAR from the date of original retail purchase Sanyo ManufacturingCorporation (SMC) warrants this TV to be free from manufacturing defects in materials andworkmanship under normal use and conditions for parts and labor.For the FIRST 90 DAYS from the date of original retail purchase, Sanyo ManufacturingCorporation will replace any defective TV via exchange at the retailer. To ensure properwarranty application, keep the original-dated-sales receipt for evidence of purchase.Return the defective TV to the retailer along with the receipt and the includedaccessories, such as the remote control. The defective TV will be exchanged for the samemodel, or a replacement model of equal value, if necessary. Replacement model will becontingent on availability and at the sole discretion of Sanyo Manufacturing Corporation.THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.OBLIGATIONSFor one year from the date of purchase, Sanyo Manufacturing Corporation warrantsthis product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use andconditions. During the first 90 days under this warranty for any manufacturing defect ormalfunction Sanyo Manufacturing Corporation will provide a new TV via exchange atthe retailer.HOW TO MAKE A CLAIM UNDER THIS WARRANTYPlease call 1-800-877-5032. Please be prepared to give us the television’s model numberand serial number when you call. The model number and serial number are printed on alabel attached to the back of the unit.For customer assistance, call toll free 1-800-877-5032.This warranty expresses specific contractual rights; retail purchasers may have addition-al statutory rights which vary from state to state.(EFFECTIVE: March 1, 2007)(Located on back of unit)CHANNELPICTURESOUNDECO ONTIMERSUB CHINFO DYN VOLPOWER. Turns your HDTV On or Off.INPUT. Selects the video source toview. Holding down the key displaysthe Input List.ECO. Modifies theEnergy Saver level.AUDIO. Selects the desired Audiomode. Stereo, Mono, or SAP (whenavailable.)ON TIMER. Displays the current switchon time (if activated.)CAPTION. Cycles through the availableCaption modes (when available.)RESET. Pressing it twice restores yourHDTV to its factory settings. All usercustomized settings will be cleared.SLEEP. Displays the “Off” Timer. WhileOff Timer is on-screen, press the “0”key to Set the amount of time (in 30minute increments) at which the HDTVwill turn off.NUMERIC KEYS. Choose a channeldirectly.CH . Scan through the channels inthe memory database.VOL + ––. Increases or decreases theaudio level.RECALL. Switch between current chan-nel and last selected channel or input.SUB CH. Use for the direct selection ofdigital subchannels. For example: forchannel 39.1 press the 3 and 9 keys,followed by the dash ––, and 1 keys.MUTE. Mute or restore the sound.INFO. Displays theChannel Informationbanner.PIX SHAPE. Cycles through the variousaspect ratios. The different settingseither stretch, zoom, or fill the imageon your screen. Bars may appear ontop and bottom of your screen (or onleft and right sides) depending on thebroadcasted signal or program.DYN VOL. Modifies the DynamicVolume feature settingsMENU. Display or hide the on-screenmenu.HELP. Displays the on-screen Help menu.CURSOR . Move the on-screencursor in the desired direction.ENTER. Set or select the highlightedoption on the screen.EXIT. Exits the on-screen menu.Energy SolutionECO (ENERGY SAVER)ECO controls the LED backlight bright-ness to reduce power consumption.– Level 1: Energy Saver feature is off.– Level 2: Low power consumption.– Level 3: Lowest power consumption.Press ENTER on the desired level.LIGHT SENSORThis feature detects ambient roomlight brightness and uses that readingto control the panel brightness leveland picture parameters to reduce theHDTV’s power consumption.NOTE: When room lighting is dark,the panel brightness and/or thepicture setting parameterssuch as brightness and con-trast are lowered. When roomlighting is bright, parametersare affected opposite.Use the CURSOR keys to selectOnorOFF and press ENTER.AUTO SHUT-OFFWhen Auto Shut-off feature is set toON, it will allow the HDTV to automa-tically turn off when no video and/oraudio signals are being received.NOTES: By factory default, this fea-ture is set to ON. The HDTVwill automatically turn off ifno AV signals are received ina time span of 15 minutes.Use the CURSOR keys to selectOnorOFF and press ENTER.Use theMode (Home/Store) option ifyou would like to change the initialEnergy Saving Mode chosen at HDTV’sfirst power on.Home Mode - For saving energy andpower consumption reduction.Store Mode - High brightness andcontrast for display at retailer store.NOTE: Only Home Mode qualifies forEnergy Star.Press ENTER on the desired mode.Mode (Home/Store) |
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