4AUDIOOUTPUTAUDIO VIDEOINPUTRLUHF/VHF/CATV75ΩRLVIDEO(MONO)S-VIDEOAUDIOOUTPUTAUDIO VIDEOINPUTRLUHF/VHF/CATV75ΩRLVIDEO(MONO)S-VIDEOAUDIOOUTPUTAUDIO VIDEOINPUTRLUHF/VHF/CATV75ΩRLVIDEO(MONO)S-VIDEOAUDIOOUTPUTAUDIO VIDEOINPUTRLUHF/VHF/CATV75ΩRLVIDEO(MONO)S-VIDEO+ +FROM ANT.OUT TO TV.INOUTFROM ANT.OUT TO TV.INOUTIN OUTFROM ANT.OUT TO TV.INOUTIN FROMSAT.CATV INOUT TO TV S-VIDEOCH3CH4 R- -LAUDIOVIDEOR- -LAUDIOVIDEOFROM ANT.OUT TO TV.INOUTRECEIVERVCRCABLE BOXTV BACK❸CATV FRANCHISE NOTE:Cable companies, like publicutilities, are franchised by localgovernment authorities. Toreceive cable programs, evenwith equipment which iscapable of receiving cablechannels, the consumer mustsubscribe to the cablecompany’s service.❷dba75 OHM TerminalUse the 75 ohm terminalto connect a VCR, cable,cable box, outdoor/indoor antenna or satellitereceiver directly to the TV.Cable with VCR and TVCable with Cable Box, VCR and TVSatellite Dish with Receiver, VCR and TVc Outdoor or Indoor Antenna with VCR and TV❷❷VCRVCRVCR❷TV BACKTV BACKTV BACK❸See page 12, Using theAudio/Video jacks.BASIC HOOKUP METHODSUse one of these methods to connect a signal to your TV. Select 1a—if you have cableservice and a VCR, 1b—if you have a cable box and a VCR, 1c—if you have an outdooror indoor antenna and a VCR, or 1d—if you have a satellite dish and a VCR. Connectyour cable or antenna directly to the TV if you don’t have any optional accessories.QuickTips The TV will automati-cally select the correctAntenna mode for thetype of signal youconnect. TV will switch offautomatically after 15minutes if there is nosignal reception (cableout or station notbroadcasting).Exception—When theVideo mode is selected,the TV will not automati-cally switch off whensignal reception hasstopped for 15 minutes.Need help?visit our website atwww.sanyoctv.comor Call 1-800-877-5032