C.C.C.C.C. REMOVING BLOWER MOTORREMOVING BLOWER MOTORREMOVING BLOWER MOTORREMOVING BLOWER MOTORREMOVING BLOWER MOTOR(Figures 11 (Top View) and 12).(1) Remove screw securing the stay.(2) Disconnect all lead wires from the blower motorand H.V. capacitor.(3) Remove 2 screws securing the blower base anddisengage 3 hooks from the rear plate of cavity(Figure 12).(4) Remove 1 screw securing the blower motor withthe blower base.D.D.D.D.D. REMOVING MAGNETRONREMOVING MAGNETRONREMOVING MAGNETRONREMOVING MAGNETRONREMOVING MAGNETRON(Figure 11 (Top View))After removing the blower motor :(1) Remove duct (mag. exhaust). Remove the screwsecuring the stay.(2) Remove 1 screw securing the thermal protector.(3) Disconnect 2 lead wires from the magnetron.(4) Remove 4 screws securing the magnetron to thewaveguide.(5) Take out Magnetron VERY CAREFULLY.NOTENOTENOTENOTENOTE1. When removing the magnetron from the cavity orwave guide, use a proper care so that the dome ofthe magnetron does not hit any adjacent parts ofmicrowave oven.2. Make sure that the contact face of the magnetrongasket is free from any damage or deformation.3. Adjust the position of the magnetron properly, sothat it correctly sits in place and the magnetrongasket is in contact with the mounting rim evenly.4. While holding the magnetron under this condition,tighten mounting screws or nuts with your fingerstemporarily.5. Further tighten the screws or nuts with a boxwrench, giving one or two turns to each of thescrews (or nuts) alternatively so that themagnetron is mounted on to the bracket uniformly.6. After replacing the magnetron, be sure to check themicrowave energy leakage with a leakage detectorand confirm the leakage is below 4mW/cm 2.- 12 -Duct (mag. exhaust)Thermal ProtectorBlower BaseScrewDuct (mag. intake)StayFigurFigurFigurFigurFigure 11 (Te 11 (Te 11 (Te 11 (Te 11 (Top Vop Vop Vop Vop View)iew)iew)iew)iew)Figure 12Figure 12Figure 12Figure 12Figure 12HookBlower MotorScrews