1919FEATURE-/- --/- - P PVIDEO-S AUDIO-SC.SYS S.SYSPPMENULIMIT VIEWIn the FEATURE menu, you can adjust thesefunctions: LIMIT VIEW, MIRROR TURN, ZOOM,STILL and 16:9.11 Press the MENU button and the main menuwill appear. Press the POSITION UP/DOWNbutton to select FEATURE.: SELECT : ENTER: EXIT22 Press the VOLUME(+/-) button to enterFEATURE menu. Whenever the FEATUREmenu is accessed initially, LIMIT VIEW will bethe default selection.LIMIT VIEWMIRROR TURNZOOMSTILL16:9SETOFFOFFOFFOFF: SELECT : ENTERP P: :BACK EXITUsed to limit the watching time of all positionsonly one time.33 Press the VOLUME(+/-) button to display theset menu of PASSWORD.PASSWORDMIRROR TURNZOOMSTILL16:9????OFFOFFOFFOFF: SELECT : ADJUSTP P: :BACK EXIT1~944 Input the password (8888) by pressing theNUMERIC buttons to display SELECTmenu. (The password can not be modified.)55 Press the VOLUME(+/-) button to set timedesired. The time to select increases ordecreases by 30 minutes each time when theVOLUME(+/-) button is pressed. The maximumsetting is 240 minutes.■ Return to the main menu by pressing theALTERNATE button.The on-screen menu will disappearautomatically when no operation is done in15 seconds.66 Press the MENU button to go back to thenormal TV status .NOTE:If the time is set on "0", the picture will be blackout immediately. To return to normal TV status,set it to "OFF". Or input the password in theblack out picture on the screen. If you disconnectthe power of the TV set after having set LIMITTIME(30~240 minutes), when you turn on the TVnext time, it will immediately turn in LIMIT TIMEmode.SELECTMIRROR TURNZOOMSTILL16:9OFFOFFOFFOFFOFF: SELECT : ADJUSTP P: :BACK EXITALTERNATEbuttonPOSITIONUP/DOWNbuttonVOLUME(+/-) buttonMENU button