AUTO STOP MECHANISM(Read this section in reference to the mechanical exploded view on Page 14 & 15)Theory of operationWhen the end of tape has been reached in the REC or PLAY mode, thePLAY button is unlocked and operation stops automatically.1. Auto stop and worm gears (3) (4) keep revolving while the motor isrunning.FLYWHEEL(1)GEAR (3)\ ———- WARMGEAR (4)2. While the tape is running1) Take-up reel (7) causes relay gear (6) to turn. Auto stop pulleymounted on the shaft of relay gear (6) also turns in the sarnedirection.2) While flywheel (1} is turning, it keeps the rear end of auto stopslide (9) moving on the cam of auto stop gear (3). Therefore, itdoes not become engaged with hook (5) on auto stop pulley (8),so the auto stop mechanism does not work.3. When the tape end has been reached1) Take-up reel stops revo!ving. So does the rear end of auto stopslide (9).2) Hook (5) on auto stop pulley (8) catches the rear end of autostop slide (9) which is pulled toward the motor, unlocking thePLAY button.AUTOSTOP PULLEYHOOK (5)AUTO STOPGEAR (3)/RELAYSCENES)eecue \\Bey !| AUTO STOPULLEY (8)=a)japare STOPSLIDE (9)4. When the PAUSE button is lockedAuto stop pause spring (12) keeps pushing the rear end of auto stopslide (9) against the cam of auto stop geat (3). Accordingly, the rearend of auto stop slide (9) moves on the cam and remains out ofreach of hook (5) on auto stop pulley (8). Thus, the auto stopmechanism does not work.IAUTO STOP| SL IDE (9)—eAUTO STOPLEVER (10)||||_AUTO STOPPAUSE SPRING (12)—Oeo—— PAUSEBOTTON (13)desaRntihEABarbiRingsseBLiebRAEREETSEREDtSAES