21BASIC OPERATIONPress the VOLUME (+/–) button(s) on the Top Control or on theRemote Control Unit to adjust the volume. The Volume dialog boxappears on the screen for a few seconds.The VOLUME (+) button increases the volume, and the VOLUME (–)button decreases the volume.Press the MUTE button on the Remote Control Unit to mute thesound. To restore the sound to its previous level, press the MUTEbutton again or press the VOLUME (+/–) button(s).SOUND ADJUSTMENTPress the FREEZE button on the Remote Control Unit to freeze the picture on-screen. This function is cancelled whenthe FREEZE button is pressed again or any other function button is pressed.Press the NO SHOW button on the Remote Control Unit to black outthe image. This function is cancelled when the NO SHOW button ispressed again or any other function button is pressed.NO SHOW FUNCTIONPICTURE FREEZE FUNCTIONSOUND MUTE ADJUSTMENTSOUND VOLUME ADJUSTMENT Indicates the level of the volume.Press the MUTE button to turnthe Mute function On or Off.The display disappears after 4 seconds.The message disappears after 4 seconds.No show