34Video InputAV System Menu (Video or S-Video)AV System Menu (Component)Press the MENU button and the On-Screen Menu will appear.Press the Point Left/Right button to move the red frame pointerto the AV System Menu icon.Press the Point Down button to move the red arrow pointer tothe system that you want to select and then press the SELECTbutton.12If the projector cannot reproduce proper video image, it is necessaryto select a specific broadcast signal format among PAL, SECAM,NTSC, NTSC 4.43, PAL-M, and PAL-N. Move the pointer to a systemand press the SELECT button.PAL / SECAM / NTSC / NTSC4.43 / PAL-M / PAL-NThe projector automatically detects incoming video signal, and adjustsitself to optimize its performance.If the projector cannot reproduce proper video image, it is necessaryto select a specific component video signal format among 480i, 575i,480p, 575p, 720p, 1035i, and 1080i.AutoCOMPONENT VIDEO SIGNAL FORMATVideo or S-VideoComponentThe projector automatically detects incoming video system, andadjusts itself to optimize its performance.When Video System is PAL-M or PAL-N, select system manually.AutoAV System Menu iconThis box indicates the systembeing selected.Move the pointer to a systemand press the SELECT button.AV System Menu iconThis box indicates the systembeing selected.Video System SelectionNOTE The AV System Menu cannot be selected when selecting RGB(Scart).