17HOW TO OPERATE ON-SCREEN MENUFLOW OF ON-SCREEN MENU OPERATIONDisplay ON-SCREEN MENUPress MENU button to display ON-SCREEN MENU (MENUBAR). A red frame is POINTER.Move POINTER (red frame) to MENU ICON that you want toselect by pressing POINT RIGHT / LEFT buttons.Adjust ITEM DATA by pressing POINT RIGHT / LEFTbuttons.Refer to the following pages for details of respectiveadjustments.Press POINT DOWN button and move POINTER (red frameor red arrow) to ITEM that you want to adjust, and then pressSELECT button to show ITEM DATA.Select Menu to be adjustedControl or adjust item through ON-SCREEN MENU1243You can control and adjust this projector through ON-SCREENMENU. Refer to the following pages to operate each adjustmenton ON-SCREEN MENU.2 MOVING POINTER3 SELECT ITEMMove the pointer (✽ see below) or adjust the value of item bypressing POINT button(s) on Top Control or on Remote ControlUnit.Select the item or set selected function by pressing SELECTbutton.OPERATING ON-SCREEN MENU✽ Pointer is the icon on ON-SCREEN MENU to select the item.See the figures on the section "FLOW OF ON-SCREEN MENUOPERATION" below.KEYSTONESELECTUsed to select the item.SELECT BUTTONUsed to move thePointer UP/ DOWN/RIGHT/ LEFT.POINT BUTTONSTOP CONTROLMENU BARPOINTER(red frame)MENU ICONITEM DATAPress POINT LEFT/RIGHTbuttons to adjust value orset function.SELECTBUTTONPOINTER (red frame)Press POINT DOWN button tomove POINTER.1 DISPLAY MENUPress MENU button to display ON-SCREEN MENU.ITEMUsed to select the item.SELECT BUTTONUsed to move thePointer UP/ DOWN/RIGHT/ LEFT.POINT BUTTONSREMOTE CONTROL UNITLOCKFREEZESELECTD.ZOOMMUTEVOLUME -MENUNO SHOWIMAGEVOLUME+KEYSTONELASERP-TIMERZOOMCOMPUTER 1COMPUTER 2VIDEOFOCUS LENSAUTO PC ON-OFF