Electrical Adjustments-26-Input signal 16-step gray scale signal8-a Input mode Computer [RGB(Analog)]Image mode PowerfulInput format 720p computer signal8-b Input mode Component_2Image mode NaturalInput format 1080i component signal8-c Input mode Component_1Image mode Creative cinemaInput format 480p component signal1. Enter the service mode.2. Select group no. “6”, item no. “9”. If the black orwhite saturated picture can be seen, adjust the datavalues to be reduced it in each mode., Gamma adjustmentInput signal 16-step gray scale signal9-a Input mode Computer [RGB(Analog)]Image mode PowerfulInput format 720p computer signal9-b Input mode Component_2Image mode NaturalInput format 1080i component signal9-c Input mode Component_1Image mode Creative cinemaInput format 480p component signal1. Enter the service mode.2. Select group no. “6”, item no. “10” (Red) or “11”(Blue), and change data values respectively to makea proper white balance.Note:Confirm that the same white balance is obtained invideo and computer input.. White Balance adjustmentIf you find the color shading on the screen, pleaseadjust the white uniformity by using the proper comput-er and “Color Shading Correction” software suppliedseparately. The software can be ordered as follows;COLOR SHADING CORRECTION ver.. 4.00Service Parts No. 645 075 9611Note on WHITE UNIFORMITY AdjustmentInput mode Computer [RGB(Analog)]Image mode PowerfulInput signal 1 line dot pattern 720p computer signal1. Enter the service mode.2. Project only one color component to the screen.3. Change data value to obtain the minimum flickerfor each color on the screen.Item no. Screen7 - 0 Only green color picture7 - 1 Only red color picture7 - 2 Only blue color picturem Common Center adjustment