- 83 -● description of Motor driving circuitLamp Iris MotorThe lamp iris unit is located in the front of lamp. It is controlled bythe IRIS_PWR_ON signal, which is varied based upon the averageluminance level of the input image signal, from pin 143 of IC301.When the image becomes darker, the lamp iris will be closed, andwhen the image becomes brighter, it will be opened.● Lamp iris unitDOOR SW_2 BOARDDOOR SW_1 BOARDMOTOROPENCLOSE● door motorcLoSe(at dark image)ceNteroPeN(at bright image)WINDOW EXTENSIONAuto modeAPL of input signal(OPEN)(CLOSE)WINDOW EXTENSIONOpen modeClose modeAPL of input signal(OPEN)(CLOSE)Chassis Block DiagramsIrIS FIN(variable)Motordoor MotorThe projector provides 2 door switches. The door switch-1 (SW8801on DOOR SW_1 board) turns ON, when the slide shutter is opened.The door switch-2 (SW8811 on DOOR SW_2 board) turns ON, whenthe slide shutter is closed.If the slide shutter is half-open or close, the lamp does not light.When turning the projector on, the lamp starts light after SW8801turning on.If the slide shutter error occurs during opertion, the POWERindicator will blinks red and the projector will go to stand-by modeafter cooling.