ALTERNATIVE CABLE TV CONNECTIONSYour VCR can receive all unscrambled cable channelswithout the use of an external converter. If you wish toview and record scrambled cable channels, you mustconnect a converter/decoder as described below.Your local cable TV company will advise you of thechannels available in your area.We recommend that you consult your cable TV companyto make sure that the cable is properly connected.When the TV does not have a built-in cable converterConnect the cable TV converter between the VCR andthe TV so that you can watch a cable TV program whilerecording another program.NOTE: Set the TV channel to the cable converter outputchannel (CH02 ~ 07).When you have both cable and pay TV (scrambled channels)NOTES:œ With this method the TV and VCR receive the samechannel. Recording one program while watchinganother is not possible.œ With this connection, the VCR must be set to the cableconverter/decoder output channel. (See next page.)NOTE TO CATV SYSTEM INSTALLER (USA only): Thisreminder is provided to call the CATV system installer’sattention to Article 820-40 of the NEC that providesguidelines for proper grounding and, in particular,specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to thegrounding system of the building, as close to the point ofcable entry as practicable.VHF/UHFANTENNAININ OUTVCR(Back panel) TV(Back panel)Cableconverter(supplied) (not supplied)CATV75 ohmcoaxialcableVHF/UHFFROM ANT.TO TVOUTINAC INVHF/UHFFROM ANT.TO TVOUTINAC INVHF/UHFANTENNAINCATV75 ohmcoaxial cableVCR(Back panel) TV(Back panel)(supplied)Cableconverter/Decoder9