English 166Recording resolution k: 3,680 × 2,760 pixels (single-shot stillimages only)y: 2,816 × 2,112 pixels (single-shot stillimages and sequential shots only)x: 2,816 × 2,112 pixels (single-shot stillimages and sequential shots only)z: 2,288 × 1,712 pixels (single-shot stillimages and sequential shots only)t: 1,600 × 1,200 pixels (single-shot stillimages and sequential shots only)[: 640 × 480 pixels (single-shot still imagesand sequential shots only),: 640 × 480 pixels, 30 frames/second, lowcompression (video clip recording only)=: 640 × 480 pixels, 30 frames/second,standard compression (video cliprecording only)-: 320 × 240 pixels, 30 frames/second, lowcompression (video clip recording only)0: 320 × 240 pixels, 15 frames/second,standard compression (video cliprecording only),: 160 × 120 pixels, 15 frames/second,standard compression (video cliprecording only)White balance Full-auto TTL, manual setting possibleLens Curved optical3.0× zoom lensf=6.3 mm to 18.9 mm(35 mm film cameraconversion f=38 mm to114 mm)Autofocus, 9 groups, 11elementsAperture Open F=3.3 (Wide) to 4.0 (Tele)Smallest F=6.6 (Wide) to 8.0 (Tele)Exposure control type Programmable AEExposure correction available from theShooting Setting Screen (0±1.8EV in 0.3EVsteps)Light-measuring modes Multi-section measuring, center-weightedmeasuring, spot measuring