5IntroductionSockets Note: the location and names of the sockets on the TV may vary according toTV model, and not all sockets available on all models.SPDIFSPDIF socket (output)The SPDIF socket can be used to connect a compatible digital audio receiver.orThe HDMI can be used to connect ablu ray, PC with a compatible video card installed, certain DVD players or ahigh-definition compatible digital satellite decoder. This socket p(High-Definition Multimedia Interface) socketrovides anuncompressed digital connection that carries both video and audio data by way ofan integrated mini-plug cable.HDMI 1 INHDMI 2 IN (MHL)OrOrHDMI IN (MHL) or HDMI 1 IN or HDMI 2 IN (MHL) socket (input)Note: Only HDMI sockets with the MHL identification will support the MHL function,nMHL stands for Mobile High-definition Link, and allows you to link a MHL capablemobile device to the television.HDMI IN (MHL)TV ControllerNAV menu on TV screen1.Turns the TV on by pressing the Controller when the TVis in standby mode.In the menu system, press and release it within 2seconds, it acts like OK button on the remote to confirmyour selection.Press and hold it for more than 2 seconds, it acts likeBACK button on the remote, which makes you go backto the previous menu/interface.TV Controller is a multi directional button that helps navigatewithout remote control. For some models, there's only oneTV button TV Controller.Note:The product colour and shape may vary according to TV model.NAV menu on TV Screen TV Controller.3.Adjusts the volume by moving the Controller left andright. In the menu system, they act like the RIGHT/LEFTdirection buttons on the remote and adjusts menucontrols.2.Scans up/down through the channel list. In the menusystem, they act like the UP/DOWN direction buttons onthe remote and adjusts menu controls.4. NAV menuTo view and use the NAV menu, press and release theTV Controller when the power is on; to close the NAVmenu, press and release it again.When NAV menu is visible, you can highlight theshortcuts by moving the Controller up/down/left/right, andpress the Controller to enter, and then operate accordingto the on-screen display.TV Controller