74 Part B T2004 Control Heads T2004 Multi-Control Head System Manual© Tait Electronics Ltd May 2004Audio■ Transmit on microphone and apply audio (E.G. whistle intomicrophone), check for approx. -15dBm line audio at TP2, check forapprox. -30dBm mic audio on SK1 pin 7. Radio should enter transmitmode and have normal TX deviation.■ With the radio in receive mode, generate a test signal of -70dBm RFlevel, 60% system deviation (1.5kHz for narrow band, 3kHz for wideband). Check for approx. -4dBm of receiver audio on SK1 pin 6. Checkfor approx. -10dBm line audio on TP2. Ensure audio appears on 600ohm balanced line (measure between SK3 pins 4 and 5).Data■ Turn radio off then on using control head volume switch. Useoscilloscope to check for 5V TTL data on SK1 pin 4. Note that data onlylasts a few seconds after power on. Connect oscilloscope channel 1 onSK3 pin 7, channel 2 on SK3 pin 8. Verify differential mode data existson RS485 line at radio power on.■ After power up, confirm that key presses on control head appear as 5VTTL data on SK1 pin 3.