Getting started 19Getting startedThis section provides a brief description of your radio’scontrols and indicators and explains how to use theradio’s menus.The following topics are covered in this section:■ about the foreground and background radio■ about the radio controls■ about the hand-held control head■ understanding the radio display■ understanding the radio indicators■ navigating your radio’s menus■ viewing your radio’s function key settings■ sharing a multi-head radio with other usersAbout the foreground and background radioThe TM8260 can be installed and programmed as tworadios, that can be accessed via the user-interface. In such adual-radio system, one radio is always at the foreground, andone at the background. If monitoring both radios (dualreceive), the speaker volume of the background radio isquieter than the speaker volume of the foreground radio.To access features on the background radio (such as changethe channel), you must first change that radio to theforeground. See “Switching between radios” on page 61.The foreground radio is either:■ the radio currently showing inthe display, or■ the radio showing in larger text.The background radio is the radio notshowing in the display, or the radio showing in smaller text.R1:Channel 12MenuR1:Channel 12R2:Channel 3Menu