Dual radio operation 59Dual radio display states and descriptionsThe following table lists various states of the radio display,and the implications for transmitting and receiving.Display DescriptionThe radio system will receive andtransmit on the foreground radioonly.The radio system will receive onboth radios, and transmit on theforeground radio only.The radio system will receive andtransmit on both radios.Received signals on one radiowill be transmitted on the otherradio and vice versa. If initiatinga transmission, the radio systemwill transmit on the foregroundradio only.Received signals on one radiowill be transmitted on the otherradio and vice versa. If initiatinga transmission, the radio systemwill transmit on both radios.R1:Channel 12MenuR1:Channel 12R2: Channel 3MenuR1:Channel 12R2: Channel 3MenuR1:Channel 12R2: Channel 3MenuR1:Channel 12R2: Channel 3Menu