Dialing calls in trunked mode 133MPT 1343 dialed callsThe following table summarizes the way you dial callsto other radios and groups of radios using the MPT1343 dialing scheme, and gives an example of eachtype of call.In the following examples, the final # may bereplaced by a short press of the PTT key.Call to Dialing code and exampleRadio 23 in the same fleetas youRadio 234 in the same fleetas youRadio 23 in fleet 3078 with thesame prefix as youRadio 234 in fleet 3078 withthe same prefix as youRadio 234 in fleet 3078 with adifferent prefix to you (300)Group 92 in the same fleetas youGroup 923 in the same fleetas youRadio unit number23 #Radio unit number234 #Fleet3078Radio unit number23 #Fleet3078 #Radio unit number234Prefix300Radio unit number234 #Fleet3078Group92 #Group923 #