pare eiSEQMEDERERES, Se ag ee ta oe wag tatn UN net TE Le De TaT8DeDUDS BS USES RENIN SPREE IRENE BE SEENON EDIE EIEN“If adjusted to +DC, the upper bits will be “L’’ only (Fig.4-11 @ }. Conversely, if adjusted to —DC, the upper bitswill be “H” only (Fig. 4-11 @ ). 1f adjusted exactly atO V, the probability of the occurrence of “L” and “H”will be equal, and the uppermost bit (most significantbit) will continuously alternate between “L” and ‘‘H”(Photo 4-7, Fig. 4-11 @ ) with the result that the S/Nwill deteriorate and the S/N value will fluctuate. There-fore, adjust to a point where upper bits will always be“L" and the lower bits stand out least (Photo 4-6, Fig. 4-11@).Photo 4-72. Confirmationof the LINE minimum input level1) Load a blank TY-30B tape then set the INPUT LEVELcontrol to the maximum position and set the unit tothe REC monitor mode (press only the REC button).2) Input the 1 kHz signal from the LINE INPUT, then_ adjust the input level to a level at which the “OVER”point of the level meter hardly ever lights using theattenuator. The LINE input level at this time shouldbe within -6 £1dBV, and the difference betweenchannels should be within 1 dB.3. Setting the LINE input level (reference recordinginput/output)1) Load a blank TY-30B tape then input a 1 kHz +6dBV signal to the LINE INPUT, and set the unit tothe REC monitor mode (press only the REC button).2) Turn the INPUT LEVEL control, and set it so that thelevel meter indication hardly ever reaches the OVERpoint. The output level at this time should be 2.0+0.5V.322).KOC Micwwansee,hires bos “Ll” O4IZKY (4-11@) . Me -peM MBs NSTe, bey bss“H” OAKS CM-11Q. OVE Fe REMETSé°L" £ “H" RES SHWE,bie yb(HSB) tk “L” & “H” AH RMEL CAAT. Ba-il@). S/N MEETS EFT S/MASS SOC. HOT,Etre sy PoTH WL” BILL, Le bey baWHEE Y bE SS CFA. Bu-11@.Upper bits are inverted at all times.ADDTLRCKbfity PSX HCORERL TUS.(2. LINERDAHLU<1 OER1). Foax4%7+F-T TyY-308 SHALL, INPUT LEVELYao-AHEBKELRECE=F -TKE CREC EF YOKEMS ) UTS.2). LINE INPUTE 9 IKHz2 OFFSLAHL,TvFA4A-F—TKLOANUNSVEVAN 4-7 —OPLSOVERIAWHMOAHNUNKAKRRMETSZ. CDERDO LINEAAVNKwih -6 A1dBVTHSZCH.Me Fr avedB UN CTH SCE.38. LINEAAUKnrt> b ( BEBHEAWHD1). Fax +F-T TY-30B SRBL, LINE INPUTKOIKHz.+6dBVO(SEGLAILTCRECE= 7 — KM CRECEI YOAEHHS)mS,FOVER 2S AUT AIMS KA HTS. CHLEOWAUNwvis 2.0b0.5VCHS CE.INPUT LEVEL H#Ya-LEGIL, vxu- x -F7—-f3|CaN€-