18 TASCAM FW-1884 Owner’s Manual3 – Functional Overview3.1 Control Surface ModesThe FW-1884 control surface is extremely versatile,and can be used to control a computer application, tocontrol an audio input monitor mix, and to send MIDImessages to external devices via its MIDI outputs.The FW-1884’s control surface is always in one of threemodes: Computer Control Mode, MIDI ControlMode or Monitor Mix Mode. Each mode has a dedi-cated illuminated key, labeled COMPUTER, MIDICTRL, and MON MIX, respectively. Only one ofthese keys may be selected and illuminated at one time.Pressing one of these keys activates its designated modeand illuminates its associated LED. For more information on Control Surface modes,please refer to section 4, “Control Surface Modes andOperation”, and to the Application Notes for your soft-ware.3.2 Global ControlsCertain controls operate globally; that is, they functionthe same way regardless of which control surface modeis selected. These controls are:MASTER FADER – Any movement of the masterfader is always communicated to the host computer,the MIDI control surface and the monitor mixer.There is always one, and only one master fader for theentire system.ROUTE key – This is used to route data from theMIDI inputs to the MIDI outputs. It also performsother functions as detailed elsewhere in this manual.PFL key – This key is always used to toggle the stateof the Solo function from PFL (Pre-Fader Listen) toSolo-In-Place. For more details on this function, pleaserefer to section 4.3, “Monitor Mix Mode – (GeneralNotes)”.CONTROL SURFACE MODE keys – Thesethree keys are used to select the current control surfacemode. This is their only function. Only one controlsurface mode (and hence only one key) can be selectedat a time.CONTROL PANEL key – This key always opensthe FW-1884 control panel on the host computer,assuming it is connected and powered on.“Hidden” functions The following functions arenot printed on the control surface panel, but are avail-able in all modes.SHIFT+CTRL+P.RESET (LATCH)Reset meter peaksSHIFT+MIDI CTRLEnter MIDI Programming mode if host computer isattached